Articles by Michael Oleaga

Michael Oleaga

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Latest from this author

Obamacare in California: Golden State Has Largest Uninsured Latino Population, Prepares for Second ACA Enrollment Period

Support for the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, has increased in California as the Golden State prepares for the second enrollment period of the ACA.

Immigration Executive Order Update: Senate Democrats Want Obama to Delay Immigration Order, But Action Will Come 'Soon'

President Barack Obama has made it known he plans to issue an executive order to address the immigration system in the U.S. due to lack of progress in Congress, but some Democratic lawmakers are hoping he could delay his decision until after November's midterm elections.

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor to Receive 2015 Katharine Hepburn Medal for 'Commitment to Justice'

The first Latina on the U.S. Supreme Court will be awarded the 2015 Katharine Hepburn Medal, a prize for women who have made efforts to change the world.

President Barack Obama Immigration Executive Action Options: Law Experts Say Obama Has 'Legal Authority' to Expand Relief

Immigration law experts have sent a letter to the White House reassuring President Barack Obama that he has the legal authority to issue executive orders on the immigration crisis.

Immigration in US: 11.3 Million Unauthorized Immigrants Live in US, But 'No Sign' of Future Migration Increases

The number of undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. has been stagnant since the recession, and estimates indicate "no sign" of a migration increase.

Alaska Governor Race 2014: Democratic and Independent Candidates Merge Campaigns in State with Growing Latino Population

The gubernatorial race has narrowed in Alaska as two candidates merged their campaigns against incumbent Republican Gov. Sean Parnell.

Obamacare Pros and Cons: States That Rejected Medicaid Expansion to Pay $152 Billion in Taxes, Will Benefit States with ACA

States that have not adopted the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, could pay up to $152 billion for the benefit of states with the ACA.

Texas Local Debt Hits $328 Billion as National Guard Troops Remain Unpaid for Border Control

The Texas Bond Review Board indicated the state's total local debt grew by $5 billion as the Lone Star State is having trouble compensating National Guard troops sent to the border.

Immigration Numbers Update: 13 Million Mexicans Immigrated to US in 2013, But Chinese Migrants Outnumber Other Latin Americans

Mexican migrants have entered the U.S. in large numbers, but the United Nations' Department of Economic and Social Affairs revealed the second most common native country is not from Latin America.

Ted Cruz on Immigration: Republican Texas Senator Downplays Government Shutdown Option Over Immigration

At the Americans for Prosperity conference, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, downplayed his political party's plans for a government shutdown over the immigration crisis.

Immigration Reform Update: Advocacy, Civil Rights Groups Urge Obama to Ensure Executive Action Includes Undocumented LGBT Immigrants

A coalition of Latino, Asian-American and LGBTQ advocacy and civil rights groups have urged President Barack Obama to ensure the LGBTQ community is included in any potential action regarding undocumented immigrants.

Immigration Border Problems: Gov. Chris Christie to Skip Mexico Border Visit During Economic, Trade Trip

Republican New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is set to arrive in Mexico for a three-day trade talk, but immigration might not be a top priority for the potential presidential candidate.

Paul Ryan Confronted by DREAMers Again on Immigration Reform, Deportation and Vote to Defund DACA

A national immigrant youth-led organization confronted Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., once again for his opposition against the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

DREAMer to Congress: 'Think of Immigration as Saving Lives,' DACA Recipients See US as 'Land of Opportunities'

Undocumented immigrants sacrifice their history in their native countries for the American Dream and new opportunities in the United States, and that is no different for DREAMer Hareth Andrade-Ayala.

President Barack Obama Nominates Three Latinos to Key Roles, Including ICE and Small Business Administration

President Barack Obama announced his latest nominations to "key" administration posts, including three Latinos, which could affect immigration management.

Presidential Elections 2016: Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney Favored Presidential Candidates with Double-Digit Lead in Iowa Poll

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney are leading polls in the first state scheduled to host a 2016 presidential referendum: Iowa.

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto Applauds California's Immigration Policies Benefiting Immigrants in US

Although Congress has yet to send President Barack Obama legislation addressing immigration, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto commended California for the state's efforts on the issue.

US Economic Outlook 2014: Speaker John Boehner Criticizes CBO's Projected 1.5 Percent GDP Growth

The Congressional Budget Office, providing nonpartisan analysis for Congress, predicted U.S. GDP will increase by 1.5 percent by the end of 2014, and Speaker of the House John Boehner, R-Ohio, used the news to criticize Democrats and the Obama administration.

Immigration Court Update: Lawsuit Victory Allows Detained Immigrants 'Coerced' into ‘Voluntary’ Deportation to Return for Hearings

Following a lawsuit from a civil rights organization, immigration authorities must provide access to proper legal options for detained immigrants.

HealthCare.Gov Gets First CEO: Access Health CT's Kevin Counihan Named Chief Executive of Federal Obamacare Website

The Department of Health and Human Services named the first chief executive officer for the federal health care insurance marketplace, also known as

Presidential Primary Schedule 2016: Nevada Caucus, South Carolina Primary Dates Moved for Minority Populations

Primary and caucus dates for the 2016 presidential primary elections have been announced for Nevada and South Carolina, and they will be contested on later dates than in 2012.

Ferguson Protest Update: Militarization of Arizona's Maricopa County Police Raise Concerns of 1033 Program, Missing Weapons

Following criticism of the militarization of law enforcement in Ferguson, Missouri, and the subsequent order for a review of such activities, national organizations are highlighting Arizona police and their use of military-grade weapons.

Poverty in Latin America: One-Third of Region's Population At Risk of Falling Into Poverty

Latin American and the Caribbean have made strides in reducing poverty, but the United Nations Development Programme revealed many of the region's people are unable to enter the middle class.

Immigration and Deportation Update: Mexican Authorities Deported More Unaccompanied Immigrant Minors than US

Mexican officials are reportedly deporting unaccompanied undocumented children at a higher rate than the United States.

2016 Presidential Elections: Iowa Caucus, New Hampshire Primary Dates Confirmed; Iowa Democrats Propose Changes

Preparations for the 2016 presidential elections are underway as the Democratic National Committee announced the dates for the first caucus of the campaign.
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