Nearly 60,000 Now Missing in Mexico's Drug War, Relatives Demand Answers

The Mexican government's war against drugs and organized crime has led to the disappearance of more than 60,000 people. While some have been recovered, most were never found.

Mexico's President Rejects COVID-19 Test Following Close Contact with Infected Aide

The decision comes after Zoe Robledo, a close aide to the president, announced he tested positive for the virus.

No End to López Obrador’s Feud With the Media: The Mexican President Jabs at Reports About Crematoriums

Member of the Committee to Protect Journalists Jan Albert Hootsen said that the federal government had a “complex” relationship with the media.

Mexico's President Dismisses High Volume of Domestic Abuse Calls as Pranks

In March, the government received over 26,000 reports of domestic violence, the highest the hotline has recorded since it was recorded. However, Mexico's President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador dismissed the announcement and claimed the majority of the calls were fake.

As Lopez Obrador Holds Back, Local Governments Speed up COVID-19 Measures

Experts argue that Mexico's Lopez Obrador is continuing to dismiss the danger of the COVID-19 outbreak as it seeks to protect the economy.

Mexico Seeing More Deaths Than in the Last Four Years: Study Shows Official Numbers May Be Undercounting

A report published by a local magazine estimated that 37% more death certificates were issued in April 2020 than the average of that month in the past four years. As coronavirus cases continue to rise in Mexico, the federal government is already making plans on reopening the economy.

AMLO Stressed That the Release of Ovidio Guzman Was for Peace

The capture and release of kingpin’s son Ovidio Guzman in 2019 was done in order to save more lives.

Femicide: Understanding It And The Rallies in Mexico

Find out here about femicide and Mexico’s issue on femicide. According to an article, 2019 wins the top spot as the year where a lot of violence was reported in Mexico.

AMLO Cites COVID-19 in Decision to Reject Renewable Energy Source

New laws have been put into place limiting the use of renewable energy in the country In a decree released last weekend, support for renewable energy like wind and solar power will be reduced.

Lopez Obrador’s Response to Criticisms on Militarizing the Country

President Lopez Obrador asserts that the armed forces are needed in public security tasks López Obrador has consistently questioned the increasing rate of crime and abuse currently plaguing Mexico despite the security plan introduced by former president Felipe Calderón and reinforced by Enrique Peña Nieto, who resigned from office in 2018.
 Mexico's President Obrador holds a news conference in Mexico City

Mexico to Reopen Manufacturing Sectors on Monday Amid Record COVID-19 Deaths

Mexico's government recently allowed the auto, construction, and mining sectors to resume operations on Monday despite record deaths reported the previous day.

Mexico Receives Medical Supplies From the United States to Aid Crippling Healthcare Systems

In the month prior, U.S. President Donald Trump guaranteed shipment of ventilators and other medical equipment for Mexico.

Mexico Pauses Clean-Energy Plans Amid Mounting COVID-19 Cases

Mexico's Centro Nacional de Control de Energia (Cenace) indefinitely stopped all operations and critical tests for clean-energy projects amid the rising number of coronavirus cases in the nation.

Mexican President Violates Constitution, Accused of Personal Promotion

The Mexican government and the National Electoral Institute have decided to remove President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s name from the letters that were supposed to be sent to recipients of stimulus loans.

Lopez Obrador’s Frugal Austerity Measures Moving Ahead in Congress

Despite objections questioning the constitutionality of the new austerity measures, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s proposal to cut 75% of the national budget for the year is already moving in congress.

Smaller Enterprises Affected the Most by Lopez Obrador’s Budget Cuts

There are 19,440 government suppliers registered in Mexico, and 88% of these are micro, small, and medium-sized businesses.

AMLO Calls Program by Private Banks Supporting MSMEs a “Loan Scheme”

A joint program by the Inter-American Development Bank and the Mexican Business Council will seek to provide loans to 30,000 businesses in the country worth U.S. $12 billion to boost the economy.

Lopez Obrador Announces Containment Measures for the Pandemic– “There Will Be a Quick Return to Normality”

Mexico President Lopez Obrador announced last Sunday that the coronavirus pandemic is now under control.

USMCA to Replace NAFTA– Agreement to Take Effect July 1

After much effort and persuasion from U.S. President Donald Trump’s office, the new NAFTA will include stricter compliance to guidelines with regards to labor and automotive content without changing the US$1.2 trillion in trade flows between the U.S.-Mexico-Canada per year.

Mexico’s Recovery From the Pandemic Hindered by Lopez Obrador’s Decisions

Now when a leader is called upon to rise to the occasion that Mexico is facing in its fight against the pandemic, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador appears to have regressed into refusing accountability and blaming others for the situation at hand.
A police officer wearing a protective mask stands at the entrance of a coronavirus testing site, as the coronavirus disease (COVID 19) continues in Mexico City

Murder Rate Rises in Mexico– Criminal Groups Are Gaining Leverage Amid Pandemic

While the efforts of the Mexican government focused on mitigating the economic and health crisis brought by the pandemic, there has become a failure to provide basic security to vulnerable populations.