Augmented Reality

Apple May Launch A Pair Of Augmented Reality Glasses Soon

Apple CEO Tim Cook's latest remark about AR's survival over VR technology stimulates the chances of the company's next installment of AR device to reveal soon; know more about it here

Facebook To Promote New Selfie Masks For Brands

Facebook is developing an innovative type of AR-driven 'Selfie Masks' presumably for movie, documentary and feature film lovers; know more

'Pokemon GO' Release Date: February 27 Not Possible? Niantic Will Feature Game at GDC 2016

The Pokémon Company will be celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the very first Pokémon video game this coming Feb. 27, 2016. In a report by Neurogadget, there are rumors that the much-anticipated "Pokémon GO" will be released on that same date and it was fueled further by Niantic's next "Ingress Anomaly."

HoloLens vs Glass vs Oculus: Three Reasons Microsoft's Headset Is Poised to Succeed

On Wednesday, Microsoft unveiled a sneak peak at Windows 10, along with several reasons to believe the company has been refreshed and reinvigorated under its new CEO Satya Nadella. One of those reasons is the Microsoft Hololens.

Google Glass Price, Review, Release Date, Apps: Device Is Not an Excuse to Text and Drive, Study Says

Google Glass does not help drivers, but one app may be the future for e-commerce Apps for Google Glass are aimed at making life easier for wearers, but a recent study suggests one area that it hasn't been able to succeed is while driving.

Jaguar Unveils 'Virtual Widescreen' Technology to Assist Drivers

Augmented reality is an increasingly popular technology allowing realtime updates and making the whole world seem like a part of a video game. the same concept has been translated to driving, allowing jaguar drivers to race in circuits as if in a video game, but also offering practical uses for the technology.

3D Scanner App and Device for iPad: Create High Fidelity Models of Anything With Occipital's Structure Sensor

The future is here. And all you need to take part in this "Brave New World" is an Apple iPad.
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