Ben Carson

Presidential Polls 2016: Latest Numbers For Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina and Marco Rubio, Trump Surges to Near Double-Digit Lead

Donald Trump holds a commanding nine point lead over closest 2016 GOP primary challenger Ben Carson, according to a new Pew Research poll.

2016 Presidential Race: Jeb Bush Tries to Exude Confidence on Campaign Trail

Faced with troubling poll numbers, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush made a point -- and a joke -- on Thursday about his "high energy" from the Republicans' second presidential debate.

2016 Presidential Race Polls: GOP, Donald Trump Deeply Under Water With Latino Voters, New Poll Finds

A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Telemundo poll finds that Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump and the entire GOP are extremely underwater with Latino voters.

Donald Trump For President News: Businessman Has a Backup Plan If White House Run Falls Short

With his lead in the polls slowly evaporating, Donald Trump is vowing he has a backup ready if his run for the White House should come up short.

Obama Slams 2016 Republican Candidates for Opposing Same-Sex Marriage

President Barack Obama on Sunday blasted the Republican Party and GOP candidates running in the 2016 presidential race for their opposition to same-sex marriage in spite of the growing percentage of Americans who favor marriage equality.

Donald Trump vs. Ben Carson Polls: Undisputed GOP Poll Leader in Virtual Tie With Former Brain Surgeon

Donald Trump is no longer the hands on Republican front-runner in his 2016 bid for the White House, and in fact is now locked in a virtual tie atop the polls with retired neurosurgeon and political neophyte Ben Carson.

Poll: Donald Trump Now Neck-and-Neck With Ben Carson in 2016 Presidential Race

Republican presidential bets Donald Trump and Ben Carson enter an almost-tie ratings, according to the latest poll released Sunday by NBC/WSJ.

Presidential Polls 2016: Latest Numbers For Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Marco Rubio and Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump still rates as the GOP's 2016 presidential front-runner, though a stream of recent Republican Party polls suggest that support for the billionaire real estate mogul may be leveling off.

Ben Carson on Immigration: Immigrants 'Cannot Altar Who We Are'

Republican 2016 presidential hopeful Ben Carson went back to his Michigan roots to let his thoughts about immigration reform be clearly known

Muslim Civil Rights Group Deems Ben Carson Unfit to Lead Country

The Council on American-Islamic Relations is calling for Republican candidate Ben Carson to drop his bid for the White House, after recent comments made about his disapproval of a Muslim president.

Ben Carson Muslim President Comment: Democrats, Fellow GOP Candidates React to 'Muslim Question'

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson stirred further debate on whether a Muslim can become U.S. president.

Ben Carson's Views on Poverty, Illegal Immigration, Abortion and Same-Sex Marriage

As Carson attracts more interest it is probably a good time to take a look at where he stands on some core issues.

Donald Trump Polling Numbers: GOP Frontrunner Vows No Panic as Poll Numbers Slip

Donald Trump insisted he will not panic in the face of falling poll numbers, as reflected in the latest CNN/ORC national poll of Republican voters released Sunday.

Presidential Polls 2016: New Post-Debate CNN Poll Finds Donald Trump in Slump, Fiorina Surging

Support for Donald Trump has slipped by 8 percentage points since Wednesday's second Republican presidential debate.

Jeb Bush's Political Views on Immigration Reform, Gun Control, Same-Sex Marriage and Healthcare

Even as he has come to lag behind party rivals like Donald Trump, Ben Carson and the recently surging Carly Fiorina in Republican presidential primary polls, Bush has held firm to the policies he's long expressed.

Donald Trump Backlash: Marc Anthony Disses GOP Frontrunner at Las Vegas Concert Over Immigration Stance

Marc Anthony used the early moments of UNIDO2, Las Vegas concert before a crowd of about 12,000 to again berate leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump over his tough stance immigration policies.

GOP Debate 2015 Summary: Donald Trump, Immigration, Iran Deal Impact Prime-Time Republican Debate

The second prime-time Republican presidential primary debate was dominated by GOP front-runner Donald Trump, Carly Fiorina, immigration and the Iran nuclear agreement.

Ben Carson Charges #BlackLivesMatter Movement Bullies People; Country Too Concerned About Race

Ben Carson, a surging Republican presidential candidate, recently journeyed to the divided Missouri city of Ferguson and gave a speech on the need to "de-emphasize race."

2016 Election Polls: Trump Leads, But Ben Carson Makes Gains in New Hampshire

Although Donald Trump has maintained a significant lead over the other 15 Republican contenders running in the 2016 presidential election, a new poll showed retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson is hot on his trail in New Hampshire.

GOP Debate 2015: 5 Things Latinos Should Know For Republican Debate Tonight

The second Republican presidential primary debate is tonight, and the show could set new records for cable news. Two debates are set for Wednesday evening in California, where Latinos are the majority.

Immigration News Today: Donald Trump Insists US Is 'Dumping Ground,' Immigration Laws Need Change

Donald Trump branded the U.S. the new "dumping ground for the world" and unapologetically lamented illegal immigration has to be stopped during a fiery campaign speech in Dallas on Monday.