Digital Divide

National Hispanic Media Coalition Criticizes Possible FCC Open Internet Rules

The Federal Communications Commission will release a proposal soon to reinstate its Open Internet rules in a new form, after a federal court struck down the current incarnation of the FCC's net neutrality-friendly rules. But the new rules may not not enshrine certain net neutrality principals, leading tech watchers and advocacy groups, including the National Hispanic Media Coalition, to preemptively condemn the changes.

Comcast's Competitors? Cable Giant Sees Many Rivals in Arguing For TWC Merger - Part 3: Digital Divide

Cable giant Comcast has put forth a long, complicated argument in favor of its acquisition of cable giant Time Warner Cable. In part three of this series "Comcast's Competitors?" we'll look at Comcast's argument for expanding its efforts at bridging the digital divide - the nationwide problem of internet access and affordability for low-income families - to TWC's territory.

Comcast's Competitors? Cable Giant Sees Many Rivals in Arguing For TWC Merger - Part 2: Wireless

Comcast filed its bid for buying Time Warner Cable with the Federal Communications Commission this week, and outlined its arguments in a blog post as well. In part two of a long, hard look at Comcast's arguments, let's discuss the rivals the largest cable operator in the U.S. sees in wireless telecoms.

Comcast Extends Low-Income Broadband Program in Campaign To Diminish Digital Divide, Merger Skepticism

Cable giant Comcast is extending its program to give low-income households cheap broadband internet access, as part of a public relations campaign leading up to the possible merger between Comcast and Time Warner Cable.

The Web at 25: Pew Study Finds the Internet More Essential Than Ever, But Latinos' Access Through Computers Lags

With the World Wide Web turning 25 this year, the Pew Research Internet Project unveiled a massive study (with more to come) looking at how Americans' lives and attitudes have changed over the course of the Web's life.

Google Adds Some Latino-Heavy Cities to Possible Fiber List: If They Make the Cut

Google announced recently it was considering some new cities for its Google Fiber internet service, including some heavily Latino cities. But can they make the cut?

National Latino Groups Respond to Comcast Merger, FCC Plans with Optimism, Skepticism

With the Federal Communications Commission going back to the drawing board on Net Neutrality and Comcast recently announcing its proposed take-over of Time Warner Cable, the internet landscape as we know it is changing. National Latino organizations are reacting - with what could be described as "skeptical optimism."

U.S. Latinos Are "Ahead of the Digital Curve" - Nielsen Study

"Hispanics are ahead of the digital curve" according to a new report from Nielsen, which found that the average Latino is more likely to own a smartphone and frequently use cutting-edge digital media on the internet.

Digital Divide: FCC Doubles Funding For Internet in Public Schools, Libraries

The Federal Communications Commission announced that it plans to double the money it's spending on faster internet connections in public schools and libraries. The initiative was part of President Obama's State of the Union address, where he promised that 15,000 schools would get faster, better internet access.

Latino Journalist and Filmmaker Groups: Tell Tom Wheeler To Protect Net Neutrality

More Latino organizations are calling on the Federal Communications Commission to protect Net Neutrality, after a Federal Appeals Court effectively struck down the agency's rules that enforced the policy.

Zuckerberg's Open Compute: Taking Over the World With... Efficiency

Despite recent studies spelling doom for Facebook, CEO Mark Zuckerberg clearly has his sights on building a worldwide social media platform and upending the tech industry. How will Zuckerberg take over the world? Efficiency.

Average Global Internet Speeds Increase: What About the U.S. and Latin America?

A new report on the state of the interent is out, showing a large increase in the average broadband bandwidth across the world. So how does the U.S. and Latin America fare in the global rankings?

Low-Income California Latinos Get Computers from Latino Community Foundation for Health, Education

As part of a campaign to help increase low-income and monolingual Latinos' access to online education, as well as health care information, some groups in California are providing personal computers and internet access. One group in the San Francisco Bay Area have made strides, helped by a holiday-time campaign and fund drive.

Pope Francis Calls the Internet a "Gift from God," Points Out Problems Including the Digital Divide

Latinos are one of the fastest growing segments of internet users, which also happens to be predominantly Catholic. For Catholics, if there was any doubt that Pope Francis like the internet (he tweets from his account @Pontifex), there isn't now: Pope Francis has called the internet a "gift from God."

Gates Foundation Awards Grant to Rutgers Professor Studying Low-Income Latino Families, Technology, and the Digital Divide

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded a grant to Professor Vikki Katz of Rutgers University to carry out research on how low-income Latino families in the U.S. may adopt and use technology to help the next generation grow and learn.

Net Neutrality: FCC Chairman Tells Minority Media & Telecom Council He'll Fight, But Cautiously

Federal Communications Commission chairman Tom Wheeler told the Minority Media and Telecommunications Council (MMTC) - a national non-profit organization dedicated to preserving civil rights in mass media and closing the digital divide for minorities including Latinos - that the FCC would find other ways to enforce the Net Neutrality-based Open Internet Order that was discontinued after the U.S. Court of Appeals for Washington D.C. struck it down on Tuesday.

Study: Digital Divide Not Race-Based and Bridged by Smartphones? Not So Fast

A recent study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project appears to support the controversial claim that the "digital divide" - the disparity in internet technology and access that has traditionally been defined as between American Whites and minorities, is not actually an inequality based on race anymore, but instead an economic problem. However, that conclusion must take into account smartphone internet access as if it's equal to desktop-based broadband, which it is not.