El Chapo

Cartels' Humanitarian Act: El Chapo's Daughter and Mexican Cartels Give Aid Amid COVID-19

Alejandrina Giselle Guzman Salazar, daughter of drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, and other Mexican cartels gave aid packages to people struggling financially due to COVID-19.

[VIDEO] El Chapo's Prison Cell: How Secure Is 'Maximum Security'?

Word picture: Here's a description of what you'll see inside the Mexican Drug Kingpin's maximum-security prison.
FILE PHOTO: Consuelo Loera, mother of the Mexican drug lord Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman

El Chapo Was Illegally Extradited to US, According To His Mother

María Consuelo Loera Perez, El Chapo's mother, says the U.S. illegally extradited the child of her from Mexico.

Mexican President Ignores Coronavirus Warnings, Shakes Hands with El Chapo's Mother

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador came under fire after reportedly visiting a drug lord's mother despite strict lockdown measures.
Alejandrina Giselle Guzman secretly married to a Nephew from other drug cartel.

El Chapo's Daughter's Wedding Complete With Fireworks, Armored Cars, and Cartel Gunmen

Alejandrina Giselle Guzman secretly married the nephew of another drug cartel with luxurious bulletproof cars, heavily armed men, and an expensive display of fireworks.
Top Four Most Dangerous Cartels in Mexico

Top 4 Most Dangerous Cartels in Mexico

Behind Mexico's wonders lies an underworld known for its ruthless drug cartels. Here are the top 4 most powerful Mexican cartels.

Top Mexican Official Charged for Leaking US Info to El Chapo's Cartel

Following Genaro Garcia Luna's arrest last month, another former top Mexican official has been charged for accepting bribes in exchange for US investigation information to El Chapo's Sinaloa Cartel.
Daughter of Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman launched a beer that has her father's image and name.

El Chapo's Daughter Launches Beer Brand

Daughter of Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman launched a beer that has her father's image and name.
El Chapo, leader of the biggest Mexican cartel

Gruesome History of 5 Most Notorious Drug Cartels

Power, territory, and businesses of Mexico's biggest and most powerful cartel. (Photo : Reuters) Mexico's biggest cartels are battling for power, money, and territory.
Lavish lifestyle practices of children of drug cartel leaders

Drug Cartel Kids Flaunting Lavish Lifestyles on Instagram

Lavish lifestyle practices of children of drug cartel leaders exposed! (Photo : Pixabay) Drug cartels in the world are earning millions of dollars. One of the most famous drug lords, El Pacho, was even included in Forbes and is listed as one of the most powerful and influential people because he earned an estimated $1 billion just in drugs alone.

Former Lover Of El Chapo and Mexican Congresswoman Caught at U.S.- Mexico Border

Like a scene out of "Crazy in Love" or "Narcos". A former Meixcan state legislator financially and romantically linked to Mexican drug lord Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán was arrested Wednesday after trying to enter the United States.

"El Chapo" To Sue Netflix/Univision For Using His Image In TV Show

The drug lord still wants to act tough in a prison uniform. Legal representatives for jailed Mexican drug kingpin Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman are moving forward with a lawsuit against Univision and Netflix for their unauthorized use of their client's image in a television series about his exploits.

Joaquin ‘El Chapo’ Guzman, Losing His Mind In Brooklyn Prison: Drug Lord Cold, Lonely With Auditory Hallucinations

Joaquin ‘El Chapo’ Guzman, the most notorious drug lord, is slowly losing his health and his mind as he stays alone and cold in a Brooklyn prison. His attorneys are asking for his release from solitary confinement.

El Chapo’s Son Among Hostages in Puerto Vallarta Restaurant Kidnapping [UPDATE]

Ivan Archivaldo Guzman is presumed to be one of six kidnapping victims taken early Monday morning, according to Mexican officials. The 32-year-old son of drug kingpin El Chapo was reportedly running the family business while his father laid in prison.

Netflix and Univision Partnership Will Allow Shared Content Through Old and New Media Platforms

Aimed at boosting its Latino audience, Netflix has partnered with Univision to coproduce some new shows for next year. The announcement was made at Univision's upfronts for 2016 in New York, in which the media company presented its programming plans to advertisers.

El Chapo, Mexican Police Killings Linked to Controversial US 'Fast And Furious' Operation

Weapons involved in the infamous U.S. firearms operation "Fast and Furious" have been linked to Mexican drug kingpin Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán and the killings of three Mexican police officers.

El Chapo Exhibit Features Scale Model of Drug Lord's Infamous Escape

The Mob Museum in Las Vegas recently featured a scale model called “El Chapo’s Great Escape.” The miniature creation showed how the Mexican drug lord planned his escape from Altiplano prison in 2015.

El Chapo Paid Mexican Authorities to Facilitate Jailbreak, Daughter Hints

The daughter of Joaquín Guzmán, Rosa Isela Guzmán Ortiz, has claimed that the drug lord paid politicians to facilitate his jailbreak from the Altiplano federal prison in July 2015. Guzmán's dirty money likely ended up in political campaigns.

'El Chapo' Rival Cartel Leader Pleads Guilty to Drug Trafficking in the US

One of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman's main cartel rivals pleaded guilty of drug trafficking to the United States and other South American countries on Feb. 23. Alfredo Beltran Leyva, who was captured in Mexico back in 2008, was extradited to the U.S. two years ago.

Emma Coronel Aispuro Says Husband 'El Chapo' Is Not a Drug User

Emma Coronel Aispuro, the third wife of Mexico's drug kingpin and leader of Sinaloa cartel Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman made her first ever television interview last Feb. 19. It was then aired just this Sunday, Feb. 21 and Coronel insists that her husband is not what federal prosecutors are saying.

'El Chapo' Wife Emma Coronel Aispuro Denounces Husband's Prison Treatment; 'Watched Even While Using Bathroom'

The wife of notorious drug cartel leader Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán says she fears for her husband's life in wake of recent reports that he is being subjected to harsh treatment in jail.