The season finale of the crime-drama "Gotham," "All Happy Families Are Alike," was met with increased ratings, as the war between mobsters Falcone and Maroni escalated, and death and mayhem arose in the series' other storylines.
"The Anvil or the Hammer," the 21st episode of the hit FOX series "Gotham," revealed the motivations of killers and gangsters, and boy-scout cop Detective Jim Gordon worked against the clock to save someone he loves, Barbara Kean.
"Gotham," the freshman hit series, has been renewed for a second season on the FOX Network, following the mid-season finale of the show, titled "Lovecraft." But before that happens, there are some plot points that you should brush up on before you're ready for the show's midseason return.
FOX's breakout series "Gotham" based on DC Comics' iconic superhero Batman has given fans ten episodes to learn the history of the dark knight and the major players in the city of Gotham. The lead protagonist of the series is rookie detective James Gordon (Ben McKenzie), and viewers walk with him as embarks upon his first year with the corrupt Gotham City Police Department.
The Batman prequel/Jim Gordon origin story "Gotham" will air the mid-season finale this evening. The episode "LoveCraft" will show Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne on the run from assassins and much more.
"Gotham," the origin tale of some of DC Comics' greatest super-villains and vigilante heroes, continues, and it isn't nearly done serving hefty backstory or sharing the unfurling chaos happening in the streets of the corrupt metropolis.
"The Balloonman," the third episode of the FOX's Batman prequel series, "Gotham," aired on Monday evening, continuing to share the story of how the Dark Knight rose amid the corrupted streets of Gotham City. Spoilers ahead!