The Latino population is abundant. The group now outnumbers the longstanding Caucasian majority, and Latinos can take credit for 19% of 16- to 24 year olds in the United States. To reach this demographic, marketers have even gone as far as to feign authenticity, by branding products “Latino.”
53 million Hispanics live in the United States. The weight of the swelling population has worked to sway and influence industries, communications, technology, marketing and brands. The core of the group's financial strength, however, lies with a few, "upscale Latinos," who account for just 37 percent of the Latino's mounting spending power.
Latinos are at the helm of social media; a fact that was confirmed by a 2013 Pew Report that indicated that 80 percent of Hispanic adults in the U.S. use social media, which is more than whites (70 percent) and African Americans (75 percent).