Mophie Space Pack for iPhone: Double the Storage and Battery Power

Mophie makes fantastic battery solutions for tablets and smartphones, but they're not content. Mophie makes fantastic battery solutions for tablets and smartphones, but they're not content.

Apple vs Samsung Sales Figures 2013: Apple Inc. (AAPL) No. 1 OEM with 41 Percent in US, Samsung Increases Smartphone Subscribers

Apple Inc. has preserved its position as king of the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) market in the United States.

Verizon HTC One Release Date: Sign-Up Page Now Active, Hints at Sept. 5 Debut

There has been much talk about the release date for both the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and the latest incarnation of the ever-dominant iPhone. Another phone looming in the background is the HTC One, and it's certainly been generating a buzz of its own.
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