
Immigration Reform 2015 News: ICE, Homeland Security Investigations Host First Anti-Human Trafficking Seminar for Mexico Law Enforcement

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its immigration agency hosted an anti-human trafficking seminar in Mexico with dozens of representatives from the country plagued with reoccurring drug, kidnapping and gun violence.

State of the Union 2015 Address Reaction: Latino Millennials Talk Economy, Free Community College & Immigration

President Barack Obama covered several topics during the latest State of the Union address on Jan. 20, ranging from the free community college program, immigration and notably the economy. Latin Post spoke with Latino millennials about the State of the Union on the aforementioned topics.

Immigration Reform News 2015: Federal Judge Rules DREAMers Can Obtain Driver's Licenses in Arizona, Over 22,000 Immigrants Now Eligible

After a lengthy legal battle, Arizona DREAMers were granted a permanent injunction to obtain driver's licenses by a federal judge on Thursday.

Immigration Reform News 2015: Catholic Leaders Urge Congress to Pass Immigration Reform, Calling It a 'Pro-Life Issue'

A coalition of Catholic-based leaders have called on Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform in a letter, according to Faith In Public Life (FPL). The Catholic leaders wrote the letter to Congress as the March for Life protest occurs in Washington, D.C. on Thursday, which is the anniversary since the U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision on Roe vs. Wade.

State of the Union 2015 Address Review: Obama Focuses on Heavy 'Middle-Class Economics'; Cuba Policy, Immigration Briefly Addressed

The U.S. economy was a major focus for President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address. From the start, Obama said the country’s economy is growing, creating jobs at the fastest pace since 1999 and the unemployment rate lower than before the 2008 financial crisis.

State of the Union 2015 Address: 5 Things To Expect From President Obama's Speech

President Barack Obama has a busy agenda to address for his upcoming State of the Union address Tuesday with issues affecting all age groups, notably millennials.

Immigration Executive Action Update: Immigration Debate Is 'Our Selma' and Latest Civil Rights Movement, Says Rep. Luis Gutierrez

The education of President Barack Obama's immigration executive actions continued in New Jersey, part of Rep. Luis Gutierrez's, D-Ill., tour on the issue Republicans are trying to block.

Immigration News Today: Mexico Consulates Offer Birth Certificates for Undocumented Immigrants, Could Benefit Obama's DACA, DAPA Programs

More than 12 million Mexican nationals living abroad are now able to receive their birth certificates without traveling back home, which is a move that could benefit President Barack Obama's deferred action programs.

Immigration Executive Action Lawsuit 2015: Texas Judge Hears Arguments on Obama's Executive Action, Immigrant Rights Group Concerned About Judge

A federal judge has been selected and heard oral arguments regarding a lawsuit against President Barack Obama's immigration executive actions.

Immigration News in NY: Queens Is Top NYC Borough With Undocumented Immigrants Eligible for DACA, DAPA Programs

More than half a million undocumented immigrants are living within the five boroughs of New York City, but slight more than 230,000 are eligible for the deferred action programs created by President Barack Obama.

Immigration News 2015: Immigrant Detention Center in Dilley, Texas Reveals Language Barriers, High Costs

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) visited and disclosed details of the newest and largest immigrant detention center for undocumented women and children.

Immigration Reform News 2015: White House, Customs & Border Protection Criticize House Republicans on Immigration Executive Actions Overturn

The White House criticized Republicans of the House of Representatives for complicating efforts to fund the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the implementation of President Barack Obama's immigration executive actions.

Immigration Executive Action Update: DC Attorney General Karl Racine, 12 States Ask Federal Court to Uphold Obama's Executive Actions

While nearly half of the U.S. states have filed the paperwork to sue President Barack Obama regarding his immigration executive actions, other states and Washington, D.C. have joined to support the deferred actions for undocumented immigrants.

Immigration Executive Actions Plan: House Approves DACA Funding Cuts for Homeland Security Bill

Democrats in the House of Representatives are hoping for the U.S. Senate's help to deny the GOP's recent efforts to defund President Barack Obama's immigration executive actions.

Immigration Executive Action 2015: Boehner, GOP to Include Amendments to Stop Obama's Immigration Executive Action in Homeland Security Bill

Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner, R-Ohio, reaffirmed the Republican Party's intentions to stop President Barack Obama's immigration executive actions and his use of "unilateral" action.

MARKETPLACE: LinkAmerica CEO Andrés Ruzo Doesn't Know How To Quit

They say part of success is just showing up, but aspiring entrepreneurs could learn a different lesson from the example of CEO of LinkAmerica, and self-described "serial entrepreneur," Andrés Ruzo: The biggest part of success is not giving up.

'Orange Is the New Black' Season 3 Cast News: Diane Guerrero Talks Immigration, Decision Not to Move to Colombia After Family's Deportation

In November, Diane Guerrero publicly opened up about her parents and brother being deported when she was a child. In a recent interview with El Espectador, the "Orange is the New Black" actress continued to discuss her family and immigration.

Immigration Executive Actions Update: John Boehner, House GOP to Introduce Legislation Reversing Immigration Executive Actions

With the 114th Congress sworn into its new session, Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner, R-Ohio, announced plans to counter President Barack Obama's immigration executive actions.

Immigration Executive Action Details: Undocumented Immigrants' Deportation, Due Process Rights Remains An Issue, Says Human Rights Watch

President Barack Obama's immigration executive actions will provide nearly 4.9 million undocumented immigrants to be deferred from deportation. However, other human rights concerns have remained unaddressed, according to one of the largest international human rights organizations.

Immigration Reform News 2015: Thousands of Undocumented Immigrant Minors Apprehended by Border Patrol to Start Fiscal Year 2015

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency (CBP) released data on the number of undocumented immigrants already apprehended during the 2015 fiscal year, and according to the numbers, thousands of immigrant children were caught by border patrol agents to kick off the new fiscal year.

Obama Immigration Plan: Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto Announces Plans for Mexican Citizens to Receive Proper Documents, Comments on Cuban Relations

U.S. President Barack Obama met with Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto ahead of the countries' bilateral High-Level Economic Dialogue (HLED) meeting. While Peña Nieto and Obama discussed economic topics, the two presidents spoke about immigration and the renewed diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Cuba.