
Iowa Flooding MAPS 2016: Cedar Rapids Evacuation Area and Inundation Zone in Independence, Cedar Falls, Charles City and Waterloo

Towns, cities located along the Cedar River in eastern Iowa are bracing for the river waters to rise and likely flood the area as more rainfall is expected throughought the weekend.

Iowa Flooding Maps 2016 & News Updates: National Weather Service Issues Watch While Central Iowa Braces for Torrential Rain and Flash Floods

Counties across the tri-state area of Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin have been witnessing heavy rainfall for the past several hours and in some cases for the past days which consequently has led to heavy-dute flooding impacting cities and towns.

Is Hillary Clinton Still in Trouble Even After Winning Super Tuesday?

The decline in Democratic turnout is another challenge in Hillary Clinton's presidential bid. The former U. S. first lady who joined the presidential bid emerged victorious on Super Tuesday.

Did Ted Cruz Just Fire His Spokesman Over Marco Rubio?

Senator Ted Cruz fired his spokesperson Rick Tyler for publishing an implicating video of his fellow candidate as other presidential hopefuls accuse the Texas lawmaker of doing “anything to get elected.”

2016 Presidential Poll: Donald Trump Drops 9 Points in National Post-Iowa Caucus Poll

In addition to suffering from a surprising defeat in the Iowa Caucuses Monday night, a new national poll shows that Donald Trump's popularity has also taken a nose dive in the 2016 presidential election.

GOP: Iowa Caucus Is a Big Win for Latino Candidates

In an effort to score points with a key electoral demographic, Republican leaders underlined this week that more than half of GOP caucus-goers voted for a Hispanic candidate in the Feb. 1 Iowa caucuses.

Ted Cruz on Iowa Caucus Win: 'New York Values' Attack Led to Iowa Victory

His victory in the Feb. 1 in Iowa means that Ted Cruz feels vindicated in his attack on Donald Trump's "New York values," the Texas senator noted on the evening of the first-in-the-nation caucuses.

Adele Not Allowing Donald Trump, Other Presidential Candidates to Use Her Music

As the campaign period for the U.S. presidential seat continues, presidential candidates including Donald Trump have recently received a memo from Adele to stop using her music during their campaigns, The Chicago Tribune reports.

Few in Numbers, Latino Voters Could Still Sway Iowa Caucus

While critical in the party contests to pick presidential nominees, Iowa is not known for its Latino community. But some 3 percent of the Hawkeye State's voters are, in fact, Hispanic, and could potentially make a difference in the close races expected in the Feb. 1 caucuses.

Presidential Election Poll 2016: Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders Maintain Leads Among First-Time Iowa Caucus Voters

A new poll shows 2016 presidential candidates Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have a good chance of winning the Iowa Caucuses on Monday if they succeed in getting a high turnout of first-time caucusgoers.

What Is Marco Rubio's Take on the Donald Trump-Ted Cruz Feud?

The feud between Republican candidates Donald Trump and Ted Cruz has been in the headlines for days now since Trump recently boycotted the GOP debate in Iowa and Cruz slammed him for it, Fox News Latino reported.

Iowa Caucus History Proves Losers Often Finish as Winners on Road to the White House

Since 1972, only three Republicans and five Democrats have won both Iowa and their Party’s nomination. Given the event's history, Donald Trump's may not be the GOP nominee after all.

2016 Election Polls: Trump Extends Lead Over Cruz in Iowa

With four days remaining until the Iowa caucuses, new polling data shows Republican front-runner Donald Trump faring strong against his second-place rival, Ted Cruz.

Ted Cruz vs. Donald Trump on Iowa Caucuses

The political battle between Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Donald Trump continues in Iowa as the two battle head-to-head in another presidential debate, according to Fox News Latino. However, even before the debate started, Trump was nowhere to be found and announced boycotting the event, giving Cruz another opening to slam his opponent.

Bernie Sanders Poll in Iowa: Vermont Senator Leads in Iowa, Draws Huge Crowd in Minnesota

Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders is heading into the crucial Feb. 1 Iowa caucuses with surprising strength, drawing big crowds at campaign events and leading national front-runner Hillary Clinton in the latest poll to come out of the Hawkeye State.

Immigration Reform News: Christian Leaders Urge 2016 Candidates to be Compassionate Towards Immigrants to Win Evangelical Voters in Iowa

Just days before Iowa voters kick off the first-in-the-nation presidential contest, evangelical leaders published an open letter urging 2016 hopefuls to approach the issue of immigration from a stance of compassion and love based on Biblical teachings.

Hillary Clinton Stirs Health Concerns After Massive Coughing Fit During Presidential Rally

Hillary Clinton's massive coughing fit during her speech in West Des Moines, Iowa on Monday did little to quell health rumors claiming she was unfit to run the U.S. government because due to an illness.

Marco Rubio Doing Strong in Iowa Campaign

Conservative Republican Presidential candidate Marco Rubio is now on his 9-day campaign period in Iowa, just days before Iowans cast their first votes, the NY Times reports. The senator is seemingly doing better in his most recent visit as crowds grow and endorsements surface, the publication further reports.

Donald Trump Presidential Campaign: GOP Front-Runner Fights Hard, Predicts Iowa Victory

GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump is making a last-minute push to try to triumph in the key early-caucus state of Iowa, a race which his rival Ted Cruz has long been favored to win.

Clinton-Sanders Race: Obama Points to Demands of Presidency

President Barack Obama is having a hard time not taking sides as Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders battle for the Democrats' White House nomination and, potentially, a chance to succeed Obama in the Oval Office.

2016 Presidential Race: Iowa’s Des Moines Register Endorses Clinton, Rubio; 'El Latino' Endorses O'Malley

2016 presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Marco Rubio scored a highly coveted endorsement from The Des Moines Register, the largest and most influential newspaper in Iowa.