“Latinos are taking all of our jobs” is a statement that’s been disproven time-and-time again, but indisputable evidence that the contrary is true comes in the form of proof that immigrants are keen entrepreneurs, actually offering more jobs to the American job market, helping to enhance the local and national economy.
Latino entrepreneur and former White House fellow Felice Gorordo wants the process for legal immigration to be as easy as doing your taxes, and leads a venture-backed startup website business called Clearpath Inc. to accomplish that goal.
Misinformation, ignorance, difficulties gaining access, fear of maltreatment, and worries over violations of privacy are some of the obstacles that keep Latinos from visiting healthcare facilities and/or sex and reproductive health clinics.
Republican John Boehner recently boasted that immigration would be placed on the backburner until 2014, but this didn't stop President Barack Obama from speaking on the issue during a trip to the west coast