Latino Tech Trends

DirecTV Leads Off Internet TV Race with Univision's YaVeo Latino Content

Latino audiences might lead the way towards TV over the Internet. It looks like next year will finally bring over-the-top (OTT) television programming, often simply called Internet TV.

Comcast Ups the Charm Offensive During TWC Merger Review

Well, it may not reach the level of "charm," but Comcast is certainly trying to improve the generally offensive reputation it has built over the years, just as the federal government is reviewing its proposed merger with Time Warner Cable.

Social Media Gives TV Shows a Boost, Especially Among Latinos

The Internet is killing old media, especially television. It's the accepted wisdom of the day, but the truth is a little more complicated than that. According to a new Nielsen study, the rise of "social TV" -- or watching television while sharing opinions around social media's digital water cooler -- is helping boost awareness and viewing time of couch potatoes, especially among Hispanics.

Square in Spanish Boasts Business Surge for Latino Entrepreneurs Just Months After Launch

Launched in March of this year, the Spanish-language version of Square for Latino entrepreneurs has taken off in key Latino markets. Here's an update on how Latinos are using Square's mobile payment system to grow their businesses.

AT&T, Vice Launch 'Between Two Worlds' Campaign to Reach Young Latinos

In the mature U.S. wireless market, competition to find new customers -- or to lure away current customers from other carriers -- is fierce. Seeing an opportunity for growth in young millennials, and especially digital-savvy young Latinos, AT&T is launching a campaign Monday called #BetweenTwoWorlds to win over young bicultural Latinos.

More Evidence That Latinos Are Ahead on Mobile - PwC Survey

Latinos love mobile. That's been the message of various studies and surveys throughout the recent past, and this week PricewaterhouseCoopers added its own research into the chorus.

Square Adds Spanish-Language Support in Expansion to Latino Small Businesses

Square, the small business credit card service, has decided to tap into the U.S. Latino small business market with a new Spanish-language version of their point of sale app. Beginning this month, Square is pushing into Latino-heavy business markets across the country.

Latinos Make Up a Disproportionate Part of Hollywood's Key Theatergoing Audience

We've already seen that Latinos watch more streaming digital video that the general U.S. consumer. Now, the Motion Picture Association of America's newest study on moviegoers at the theater has found that Latino oversample in that arena, too.

Rev. Jesse Jackson Calls Silicon Valley Out for Lack of Diversity

On Wednesday, Rev. Jesse Jackson decided to call attention to the tech industry's diversity problem by writing an open letter to Silicon Valley giants and leading a delegation to Hewlett-Packard's shareholders meeting.

Just Launched: Veo, A Shopping and Promotions App for Latinos

A new app targeted at the tech savvy U.S. Hispanic market hopes to provide a direct channel for major brands to Latinos' smartphones. Veo is a new promotional and advertising app meant to cut out the middle man between companies and Latinos' attentions.

Obamacare's Latino Problem? Bad Marketing, Says Hispanic Marketing Firm in California

Latinos aren't signing up for the Affordable Care Act's healthcare marketplaces in droves, as President Obama's administration expected. Now a Hispanic market research firm in California says it has the reason why: the marketing was all wrong.

Time Warner Cable Makes Calls to Mexico Free - Reaching Out to Latinos as WhatsApp Threatens Status Quo

With dirt-cheap international messaging apps like WhatsApp coming to prominence, thanks to Facebook's not-so-cheap acquisition of the company, the pressure is on telecoms to keep their customers, like many Latinos, who frequently communicate across borders. Time Warner Cable (which also provides phone service) is responding with free calls to Mexico.

Valentine's Day On The Internet: How Our Digital Lives Affect Our Loved Ones

Just in time for Valentine's Day, the Pew Research Internet Project has released a survey about how the internet and social media has impacted couples' lives. The takeaway? The internet and the devices connected to it can be good relationship tools, if treated properly. Also, people are sexting more.

U.S. Latinos Are "Ahead of the Digital Curve" - Nielsen Study

"Hispanics are ahead of the digital curve" according to a new report from Nielsen, which found that the average Latino is more likely to own a smartphone and frequently use cutting-edge digital media on the internet.

Latino Startup Alliance is Going National with Help from Hispanicize

The Latino Startup Alliance (LSA), a non-profit founded to support Latino tech entrepreneurs get their startups off the ground, is joining with Latino PR and news wire Hispanicize to expand its non-profit organization nationally.

First U.S.-Mexico High-Speed Rail Line Could Be Built by 2018

The plans for a long-sought after high-tech, high-speed rail line between the United States and Mexico just took a step forward, as officials from Texas and Mexico held a high level meeting on Thursday with the U.S. Department of Transportation in Washington, D.C.

Wisconsin's Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Gala to Award Latino Website MiVoz Small Business of the Year - Among other Awards

The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin is about to hold its 24th annual gala and awards dinner in Milwaukee, Wis. There, the chamber will hand out awards to local businesses, including a Small Business of the Year award to MiVoz, a community-building Latino website that covers Milwaukee and Chicago.

AP Computer Science Exam Data Point To Continuing Gap in STEM Education for Latinos, Other Minorities

A new study shows that Latinos and other minorities still lag behind in preparation for continuing education in subjects leading to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers. The study found that Latinos, females, and African Americans remain underrepresented in Advanced Placement (AP) exams for computer science.

Study: Digital Divide Not Race-Based and Bridged by Smartphones? Not So Fast

A recent study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project appears to support the controversial claim that the "digital divide" - the disparity in internet technology and access that has traditionally been defined as between American Whites and minorities, is not actually an inequality based on race anymore, but instead an economic problem. However, that conclusion must take into account smartphone internet access as if it's equal to desktop-based broadband, which it is not.

Meet Burrito Box: The "World's First Burrito Kiosk," or the Red Box of Burritos

As if the Americanization and coopting of the burrito as a cheap and easy fast food product hadn't already been fully accomplished by the likes of Taco Bell, Chipotle, and those sketchy frozen bundles of processed food you find in the freezer section of bodegas in every city, the appearance of the Burrito Box, the "world's first burrito kiosk," in a West Hollywood gas station is surely the logical conclusion of the fast-food burrito.

2014: A New Era for Startups Beginning?

Ever since the recession, tech startups, and in particular Latino tech startups, have faced difficulties with finding funding, networking with venture capital, and simply getting their idea out into the market place, with less than 1 percent of venture-backed startups founded by Latinos.
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