Best of Soccer in 2014: Luis Suarez's Bite, Qatar World Cup in 2022 Among Major Headlines of the Year

The soap opera that is sports always rivets for what takes place on the battle field. But often times the stories that take place far away from the pitch are just as unique and special. They make for some interesting conversation and add an element to the world of sports that moves into the social, political and economic realm. This year featured a number of off-pitch events that continued to elevate the dynamics of soccer and add new elements that are rarely discussed. As part of our Best of 2014 feature series, writer David Salazar and Edwin Molina look at two off-pitch events that really brought the soccer conversation to a new level.

How Luis Suarez'sWorld Cup Bite Fares Against Most Controversial Suspensions in Sports

As controversial and bizarre as Luis Suarez's biting incident during the 2014 World Cup was, for which he was suspended there have been some pretty bizarre in-game incidents in sports over the last few years. From Mike Tyson's bite to NBA brawls, Latin takes a look at some of the most bizarre sports-related incidents and suspensions in recent memory
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