Donald Trump Immigration Plans 2025 Include Mass Deportation of Millions of People in the US

Donald Trump Immigration Plans 2025 Include Mass Deportation of Millions of People in the US

Former President Donald Trump, eyeing a 2024 return, unveils a drastic shift in US immigration policy. His plan promises unprecedented actions against both legal and unauthorized immigrants, featuring a mass deportation initiative, signaling potential significant policy changes if elected.
Pres. Joe Biden's Administration Begins Deporting Haitian Migrants Staying Under Del Rio Bridge in Texas

Pres. Joe Biden's Administration Begins Deporting Haitian Migrants Staying Under Del Rio Bridge in Texas

The administration of President Joe Biden has started expelling Haitian migrants who recently arrived in Del Rio, Texas.

Tech Titans' Campaign Hammers Trump's Mass Deportation Plans with '11 Million Stories' Video

The biggest names in Silicon Valley, including Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Marissa Mayer and more, have spoken up against Trump's proposal for deporting millions of immigrants in a new campaign called "11 Million Stories."

Millennials on Immigration: Government Should Not Deport All Immigrants From US

Millennials, the largest demographic in the country, overwhelmingly disapprove plans to deport all undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S.
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