Palabras Author Series

PALABRAS: Suzan Colón, Yoga Instructor and Author of 'Beach Glass,' Is Fearlessly Creative

Suzan Colón, yoga instructor and author of inspirational memoir "Cherries in Winter," is a Manhattan girl through and through. Yet, her writing takes readers to myraid places.

PALABRAS: Historical Fiction Author Alma Rodriguez Publishes Family History, Tales of Cultural Identity

Alma P. Rodriguez, former educator and author of "Los Marmolejos: The Dance of the Alleles Vol. 1" is a novelist who is committed to sharing rich stories about family history, and passionate tales about the origin of identity.

PALABRAS: Alejandro Morales, Professor and Author of 'River of Angels,' Explores Fiction, Bilingualism

Alejandro Morales, accomplished author and professor of Chicano/Latino studies at the University of California, is a covert speculative fiction novelist and a tireless employer of bilingualism in his prose.

Author Pam Muñoz Ryan Describes Journey From Rejection to New York Times Bestseller List

New York Times Bestselling Author Pam Muñoz Ryan has penned more than 25 phenomenal books, including "Esperanza Rising," "Becoming Naomi Leon" and "Echo." The incomparable author has been putting her pen to work for over 20 years, and she still has plenty of magical, edifying and charming tales to tell.

PALABRAS: Memoirist Emma Gomez Shares Life Experiences and Engages Readers with Unique Writing Style

"Emma Gomez: A Courageous Woman Displays True Grit" tells a harrowing story, one that focuses on the importance of smaller things, as well as burdens that people carry.

'Bookworm' Author Angela Lang Discusses the Consumption of Books and Literature, Literally and Figuratively

Yo-yoing between birthplace Bogota, Colombia and New York City since the age of 18 sparked an insatiable need for author Angela Lang to travel. When she wasn't able to satisfy the urge to travel physically, she did so mentally: happily ingesting highly-imaginative Colombian literature and sauntering toward the great entryway of world creation, keeping one leg in the world of journalism the other in the world of literature

"The Doctor's Wife" Author Luis Jaramillo Discusses His Inspiration, Family and Inevitable Latino Literature Boom

Director of the graduate writing program at The New School by day, and routine attendee of readings and publishing events by night, acclaimed author Luis Jaramillo discusses his hit book, "The Doctor's Wife," as well as his family roots, the inspiration that helped him pen his latest work, and the pending explosion of Latino literature.
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