Observers expect the relationship between Marco Rubio and his former mentor Jeb Bush to further disintegrate tonight, as the two Republican presidential candidates are likely to attack each other fiercely during their party's fourth presidential debate.
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka spoke to Latin Post about the importance of unions, its impact on immigrants and his disgust at the “racist” rhetoric made in the 2016 presidential campaign.
The second prime-time Republican presidential primary debate was dominated by GOP front-runner Donald Trump, Carly Fiorina, immigration and the Iran nuclear agreement.
The fact that John Boehner called him a "jackass" shows that "there's far too much" name-calling among politicians, Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz said on Monday in his first reaction to the House speaker's comments.
In the midst of the debate about Donald Trump's proposed border wall with Mexico, his rival Scott Walker is arguing that building a fence along the U.S.-Canadian border is worth considering.
Republican hopeful Scott Walker vows to strip away the federal health insurance subsidies of members of Congress and their staff in order to get the votes he needs to repeal and replace Obamacare.
When Republican presidential candidate and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was recently asked if he would meet with Black Lives Matter activists, he answered by insisting, "Who knows who that is?"
Republican presidential candidates have questioned the 14th Amendment, which allows U.S.-born children the automatic right to citizenship, but prominent Latinos and Latino-based organizations are criticizing calls to change the law.
Gov. Scott Walker will address Obamacare on his trip to Minnesota next Tuesday. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker will address Obamacare on his trip to Minnesota next Tuesday.
In Cuba, United States marines raised the U.S. embassy's flag for the first time since 1961, in a small ceremony that has been criticized by politicians in mainland U.S.
The first primetime Republican presidential debate was highlighted by the issues, but the 10 GOP candidates also took the spotlight including businessman Donald Trump, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Cuban American Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida.
The first 2016 Republican presidential debate finally has its 10 candidates following criteria set forth by Fox News Channel. The 10 names were revealed based on their rankings on the five national polls and include real estate businessman Donald Trump, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida.
Select Republican presidential candidates have been invited to visit New York's largest Latino city, but only one name returned the call: Donald Trump.
With Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker set to speak at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) in San Diego, a progressive organization and a civil rights icon have voiced the Republican presidential candidate’s stance on immigration and the Latino community.
Hillary Clinton's focus on her Republican challengers may be much-needed as the Democratic frontrunner is trailing the leading GOP presidential hopefuls in key swing states, a Quinnipiac University poll revealed.
2016 presidential candidate Scott Walker was confronted by a family of an undocumented worker during a campaign stop in his childhood hometown of Plainfield, Iowa on Sunday.