
Is 'Spanglish' Proof that English has Diluted Spanish?

"Spanglish" has been called English's assault on the Spanish language; an implementation of English in routine speech or writing of Spanish-speakers that leads to the invention of words and phrases that don't exist in English or Spanish. This upsets purists, who see the infiltration of English vocabulary, particularly in the United States, as blatant Americanization of the Spanish language. Spanish and English are used interchangeably, within the same sentence -and the bilingual splicing of words is not unheard of. It has become a part of daily life, Latino American culture, and is promoted through major media outlets. Spanish words sometimes replace their English counterparts, and English words have crept "into everyday speech in Spain and Latin America, spreading to advertising, movies, and the other media of popular culture."

King Juan Carlos Massively Unpopular in Spain, Many Believe Corruption Not Worthy of Throne

Controversy seems to follow Spanish King Juan Carlos these days. Controversy seems to follow Spanish King Juan Carlos these days. He was once considered among the world's most popular monarchs.

Weather Woes Put NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio's Spanish to the Test as he Addresses the Latino Community

With a major winter storm hitting the Northeast, New York City Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio kicked into full-on work-mode soon after he was sworn into office by former President Bill Clinton, who administered the oath of office at a ceremony outside City Hall on Jan. 1, 2014.While he addressed the public about school closings and road conditions, and shoveled his own driveway in Brooklyn on his third day as mayor, he also made an effort to address the Latino community in Spanish.

Texas Middle School Principal Suspended for Banning Spanish in the Classroom

Nearly one-third of Texans who are 5 years and older speak Spanish at home, according to the 2000 census. And, for children younger than five years old, the percentage is much higher. Naturally, conversational habits used in the home, such as speaking Spanish, continue when in school. Nonetheless, some educators don’t like students speaking Spanish in the classroom for an invariable number of reasons. In fact, one middle school principal, Amy Lacey, in Hempstead, Texas, went as far as to tell students that they could not use Spanish in the classroom; which directly led to the principal being suspended with pay.

Spanish Is in Demand, But Native Spanish-Speakers Don't Reap the Benefits

Check the job listings on Craigslist, Idealist, and Linkedin, and you will find postings that indicate: "Spanish Speaker Needed," "Spanish Fluency Preferred" or "Native speaker of fully fluent in Spanish requested." There's no doubt that the language is in great demand; however, the people who natively speak it, simply are not.

Wisconsin Man Arrested for Attacking Two Men for Speaking "Spanish"

Last Saturday, Wisconsin's Dylan T. Grall assaulted two men who were speaking Hebrew, thinking that the two were conversing in Spanish.

Mexican Icon Carlos Santana to Release his First Spanish Album

Legendary guitarist Carlos Santana is set to release his first album entirely in Spanish. It's about time, as his Latin fans have been waiting for decades for the icon to show off his musical chops and have artists sing in his native tongue.

Eugenio Derbez New Movie 2013: 'Instructions Not Included' Wins Big At U.S. Box Office

The comedy starring Eugenio Derbez grossed $10 million during Labor Day holiday weekend. A little Spanish-language indie has taken Hollywood by surprise.

Whole Foods Suspends Workers For Speaking Spanish, Latino Groups Consider Boycott

Employees at a Whole Foods in Albuquerque, N.M. say they were suspended for complaining about one of the company's policies.