Student loans

Federal College Loans & Debt: President Barack Obama Plans to Lessen Burden of Student Loans, Discuss via Tumblr

President Barack Obama is preparing to take executive action on Monday to help millions of Americans struggling to pay off student loans.

Student Loan Crisis: Does Over $1 Trillion in Debt Prove that College is Now a Scam?

American students are saddled with approximately $1.2 trillion in student loan debt. American students are saddled with approximately $1. 2 trillion in student loan debt.

529 College Savings Plans Rules : Financing Your Education Through Prepaid Tuition or College Savings Plans

The average 4-year undergraduate degree at a state college costs $18,391 to obtain. The average 4-year undergraduate degree at a state college costs $18,391 to obtain.

Student Loan Interest Rates Double As Congress Fails to Act

Student loan interest rates doubled today, after Congress and President Obama were unable to agree to a deal that would prevent the increase.
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