U.S. Supreme Court

Supreme Court Arizona Voting Law Decision Is Final, But Controversial

On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Courts truck down an Arizona law requiring proof of citizenship as part of voter registration applications. The Arizona statute conflicted with a federal law requiring states to accept application only signed statements affirming voter eligibility.

Strange Bedfellows as Supreme Court Strikes Down Arizona Proof-of-Citizenship Requirement for Voter Registration

The U.S. Supreme Court has struck down an Arizona law requiring proof of citizenship before people can register to vote.

Supreme Court DNA Ruling Bans Patents on Human Genes

On Thursday, the Supreme Court ruled than human genes cannot be patented, a victory for medical research, particularly in fields centered on genetic disorders.

Supreme Court May Throw Out Same-Sex Marriage Opponents Prop 8 Appeal

The ban on same-sex marriage may not get it's day in court as there are rumors that the proposition's supporters may not have legal standing to defend it in court.
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