LG G6 smartphone phone will be sporting a metallic frame, a curved display design, and small bezels. Contrary to the report that has been circulating, LG G6 seemingly has a matte finish.
Microsoft has been conducting a research to solve cancer in the next 10 years. The Bio Model Analyzer software is already being used to help researchers understand how to treat leukemia more effectively.
Studio releases an album to showcase Zords from upcoming "Power Rangers" movie Power Rangers movie might not be disappointing after all as they continually market and spice things up for fans who loved them during childhood.
Another marvel character is being eyed to star in Deadpool franchise. Fans did love the first Deadpool film that was shown in theaters starring Ryan Reynolds.
Michael Fassbender is up to another role in "The Snowman." Michael Fassbender is on a roll here with the latest film adaptation of massive video game Assassin's Creed last month.
Apple’s MacBook Air was known to be the thinnest and the lightest notebook in the market. Having said that, rumor has it that the company may terminate its Air lineup for the benefit of iPad Pro and MacBook Pro that are a lot more than just light and thin.
The tech company has filed a request to give exemptions to certain travelers, especially Microsoft's own employees, who travel as required by their occupation and the students who are enrolled in the country's universities.
As soon as Lucasfilm and Disney announced the title for “Star Wars: Episode VIII”, the internet went abuzz with rumors and speculations on what it could mean.
Android Nougat 7.1.2 public beta version is now ready for Pixel and Nexus users. There are two ways to install the new version build and the stable build will be out a few months from now.
Samsung Pay Mini, a new Samsung payment system for all Android-based phones. It allows Android user to make an offline credit card and debit payments through their phone or smartwatch. A trial version of Samsung Pay Mini will be available through the Google Play Store.
While rumors of Angelina Jolie adopting another kid is circulating, a documentary claiming that the actress was not responsible for the Brad Pitt-Jennifer Aniston divorce has popped up.
Ex-flames Angelina Jolie and Jared Leto are rumored to be rekindling their romance as a source claims he has comforted Angelina throughout her divorce ordeal. They were last seen having dinner in a posh restaurant in LA.
Ben Affleck decides to drop the director role for the solo film. We've known Ben Affleck's directorial skills on the 2012's Argo, which won the Academy Award for Best Picture.
Another Clash of Clans update is coming featuring the Witch. "Clash of Clans", a famous mobile game, has come up with new tactics to treat their players this coming month.
Alphabet Inc., Google's parent company, posts an increase in revenue driven by the ongoing success of its mobile and YouTube video advertising business.
While promoting his recent work, Affleck kept on giving consoling updates on The Batman, yet rumors about his conceivable exit from being director lingered in the background. Affleck has since issued an announcement on why he is stepping down. It recommends that he cannot give the fundamental focus to fill in as director, the lead character, and writer.
A 2-minute video leaked on YouTube shows off a prototype of Sony Xperia XA (2017). It does show that the smartphone is running on Android 7.0 Nougat. The device appears to be using a more of matte shade on the black and sides of the phone.