"Why are you blocking immigration reform?" Ramos asked Boehner. Univision and Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos didn't beat around the bush when talking to House Speaker John Boehner at a weekly press conference.
The regulations are pioneering in scope Self-driving vehicles are fancy to look at and even more so to own, much like Google's autonomous cars driving around towns and cities capturing images for Google Earth.
The policy was thought to protect agents. Last week, the U. S. Department of Justice issued a memo for the modification of the interrogation policy. With the new policy, the video of statements by people under the custody of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the U.
March 31 has come and gone, and the Affordable Care Act open enrollment period has concluded. Now there are 8 million newly insured individuals, many of whom are confused about what this means for them.
The White House announced Thursday that Obama will nominate Julian Castro to his cabinet on Friday. The White House announced Thursday that President Obama will nominate San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro to the position of secretary of housing and urban development on Friday.
North Korea fired at a South Korean ship patrolling the Northern Limit Line. Shots fired across the border between the two Koreas have continued to strain already tense relations.
39-year-old actress, philanthropist, activist, humanitarian, and producer Eva Longoria was all positivity at this year’s Cannes Film Festival in regards to the hope of having a Latino candidate in the future presidential elections.
The House passed a bill Wednesday that limits the NSA's data collection powers. The House of Representatives passed a bill Thursday to limit the National Security Agency's bulk collection of phone records.
This week was particularly revelatory in the world of cyber security: the U.S. formally charged five Chinese military officials with cybertheft, eBay announced it was hacked, and it turns out the National Security Agency has been listening to some countries in Central America while the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill to try to curb the NSA's practices.
Protesters plan to debate wages at shareholder meeting Thursday Over 100 McDonald's workers and activists were arrested Wednesday as they protested low wages at the company's headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois.
The fire has spread quickly, but the weekend might see some relief. At least 4,800 acres have been affected by the wildfire in northern Arizona. The fire, which broke out on Tuesday, has been difficult to contain.