Good things that happened you should know amid the global pandemic according to a recently published article. It is undeniable that the global pandemic has brought negative impacts to almost everyone around the globe.
Multiple cities in the United States rush to impose sweeping curfews and deploy law enforcement authorities as thousands of protesters participated in violent demonstrations following the death of 46-year-old African American man, George Floyd.
What started on Friday afternoon as peaceful protests turned to be chaotic in the evening, Oakland and San Jose. It has not been confirmed though if both cases are connected.
The normally obscure blood business is booming as various research and medical institutions are in a raced to develop tests, therapies and vaccines which many believe to be the key to successfully easing lockdowns and eradicating the threat of the coronavirus pandemic.
A homeless student in Jacksonville will graduate as the high school valedictorian. A homeless student in Jacksonville will graduate as the high school valedictorian, according to a recently published article.
Last week, U.S. President Donald Trump said the country will terminate any affiliation with the World Health Organization after accusing the U.N. agency of bias to China, the source of the coronavirus.
In most countries that reopened businesses recently, the main rule is "No Mask No Entry." But in this Texas bar, the regulation seems different-the opposite as customers wearing masks during the pandemic are refused of service.
A Tennessee farm recently distributed tests for COVID-19 to all of its workers. This initiative took place after one of the farmworkers was infected with the virus.
Federal enforcement recently arrested CNN correspondent Omar Jimenez and his film crew while they were reporting the protests in Minneapolis after the death of George Floyd, an African American man who died as a result of police brutality.
Currently, the foreign exchange market is certainly one of the busiest and largest markets in the entire world. It has offered multiple opportunities for forex market traders and allowed them to make huge amounts within a short span of time.
A Florida man, reportedly indicted with providing the Islamic State with material support after he tried to obtain he attempted to obtain firearms and targeted busy beaches for probable terror attacks.
Two black Texas teenagers said they were suspended in school because of their dreadlocks. And now, their parents are filing a lawsuit against the school district and others for what they consider as "discriminatory hair policy."
Beginning Friday, Texas will allow its counties to let spectators in outdoor sporting events at the reduced capacity of 25%. This excludes Deaf Smith, El Paso, Moore, Potter, and Randall.
The COVID-19 pandemic has paused many legal proceedings in the United States, however, court actions filed by the U.S. government to survey and take private land in Texas for the border wall has accelerated.
Thousands still continue to cross the borders of the U.S. and Mexico every day despite the extended ban on non-essential travels and health threat of COVID-19.