US News

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Polls: Trump Beats Hillary in Latest Poll

A new poll released by SurveyUSA on Friday indicates that celebrity real estate magnate turned GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump is leading Hillary Clinton.

Trump University Scandal: Leading GOP Candidate Still Facing Lawsuit Claiming Students Were 'Scammed' Out of Millions

A pending lawsuit in the Manhattan Supreme Court charges that at least 600 former students of the now defunct Trump University, founded by leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, were scammed out of millions of dollars, $5 million of which New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman argues directly landed in the real estate mogul's pockets.

2016 Presidential Candidate Dr. Ben Carson Rises in Iowa Polls to Tie With Donald Trump

As a result, it looks like the only other candidate that has a chance of beating Donald Trump at the moment is Dr. Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon who is far from the political establishment.

Pope Francis Visit to US 2015: Schedule, Live Stream Info & Preview

Americans are getting excited about Pope Francis' first trip to the United States, in which he will make stops in Washington, D.C. and New York City.

West Point Annual Pillow Fight Turns Bloody, 30 Cadets Injured [Video]

An annual pillow fight at the U.S. Military Academy turned violent last month, as some freshmen cadets stuffed their pillowcases with hard objects and beat each other unconscious. Altogether, 30 cadets were injured, including 24 who suffered concussions.

Arizona News Anchor Under Fire for Pronouncing Spanish Words in Spanish During News Broadcast [Video]

An Arizona news anchor for Channel 12 (KPNX) addressed critics who have complained about the fact that she pronounces Spanish words "in Spanish" during the English broadcast.

Immigration Reform News: NALEO Educational Fund to Help Millions of Immigrants Become Naturalized Citizens

A pro-immigrant rights organization is gearing up to help millions of eligible lawful permanent residents become naturalized citizens throughout the month of September.

Police Shooting of Hispanic Man Prompts Texas Officials to Invest $1M in Body Cameras for Officers

A video of a fatal police shooting in Texas of a Hispanic man, who appeared to be surrendering, has led officials in San Antonio to invest in body cameras for all of their police officers.

Will Pope Francis Upset Republicans During His Speech to Congress?

Pope Francis is arguably one of the most progressive pontiffs to ever lead the Catholic Church. He has taken controversial stances on many different issues, including abortion, climate change and same-sex marriage.

Immigration News Today: Mexico Deportation Rate Outpaces US, Most Deportees Are Not Criminals

More than one million Central American migrants have been apprehended in Mexico and the U.S. since 2010. While the U.S. has traditionally led the apprehension rates, Mexico has surpassed such rates this year.

2016 Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz Issues Statement Supporting Kim Davis' Defiance Against Gay Couples

2016 Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz has publicly declared his support for Kentucky clerk Kim Davis and her refusal to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples due to her religious beliefs.

Obamacare Enrollment 2016: ACA Proposal Protects Against Sex Discrimination

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) proposed a new rule protecting people from sex discrimination from its health services.

Charleston Shooter Dylann Roof to Face Death Penalty in South Carolina

The top prosecutor in South Carolina announced Thursday that the state will seek the death penalty for the white man accused of killing nine people at a historic black church in Charleston back in June.

11-Year-Old Missouri Boy Fatally Shoots 16-Year-Old Allegedly Breaking Into his Home

An 11-year-old boy shot and killed a teenager who was allegedly trying to break into his home in Missouri on Thursday.

Hillary Clinton, Marco Rubio Presidential Campaigns Visit Puerto Rico

Hillary Clinton and Marco Rubio are taking their White House bids to Puerto Rico on Friday, where they will hold competing campaign events in San Juan, the commonwealth's capital.

Most Immigrant Households on Welfare, Study Claims

A report from a group, which advocates for lower migration levels, this week claimed that more than half of the nation's immigrants receive some kind of government welfare.

Carly Fiorina Slams Donald Trump on Immigration Ahead of GOP Debate

Former HP chief executive turned White House hopeful Carly Fiorina this week slammed Donald Trump over the GOP front-runner's incendiary comments about undocumented immigrants and his suggestion to end birthright citizenship.

US Unemployment Rate: Latino Unemployment Rate Slips, But Fewer Engaged in Labor Force

As the overall U.S. unemployment rate fell, the Latino unemployment rate also dropped but fewer Latinos are participating in the labor force.

Veterans Affairs News: 300,000 Died Waiting For VA Care, Inspector General Estimates

The Department of Veterans Affairs' inspector general estimates that more than 300,000 former troops died while waiting for health care, but serious issues with record-keeping make it virtually impossible to determine exactly how many veterans are seeking care from the VA.

Pope Francis Visit to US: Spanish Mass Scheduled in D.C.

In a move that acknowledges the 54 million Latinos living in the Unites States, Pope Francis will deliver his Sept. 23 Washington Mass in Spanish.
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