US News

Julian Castro Defends Hillary Clinton From 'Witch Hunt' Over Emails

Secretary Julian Castro, who it has been suggested could be Hillary Clinton's running partner, came to the defense of the Democratic presidential candidate over the inquiry into her State Department emails.

Food Vendor Fired for Selling Hots Dogs for $30 in New York City

The New York food vendor who was busted for charging customers $30 for a hot dog by the World Trade Center has been fired.

John Nash Death: Subject of ‘A Beautiful Mind’ Dies With Wife in Car Accident

John Nash, the man who inspired the film "A Beautiful Mind," died in a car crash Saturday afternoon with wife Alicia.

Gay Marriage & the Supreme Court: Mike Huckabee Hints at Ignoring SCOTUS Decision on Marriage Equality

Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee said he would not support some of the Supreme Court's decisions, which hinted at his stance on same-sex marriage. The former governor told Fox News' Chris Wallace he would defy court rulings despite the principle of judicial review.

Rolling Thunder 2015: Thousands of Bikers Honor Military Veterans at Annual Rolling Thunder Event in Washington, DC

Thousands of motorcycle riders poured into Washington, DC on Sunday to pay tribute to military veterans, prisoners of war and soldiers missing in action at the annual Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Procession.

Memorial Day History: Learn More About the Holiday and Meaning of 3 p.m.

At 3 p.m., everyone should pause to remember America's fallen heroes. Many Americans are celebrating Memorial Day as time to be with family, grill out with lots of food and drinks, and by enjoying a day off of work.

Memorial Day 2015: Parades and Celebrations in New York, Los Angeles & Boston

There are plenty of ways to celebrate Memorial Day across the U.S. this year. There are plenty of ways to celebrate Memorial Day across the U. S. this year.

Are Immigrants to Blame for California's Water Crisis? The Facts Say Otherwise

Senior editor at The Atlantic and conservative pundit David Frum caused a mini-tweet storm late last week when he suggested that California's immigration population is at least partly to blame for California's epic drought and subsequent ongoing water crisis.

White House Says President Barack Obama Hopes to Visit Cuba

In addition to taking historic steps to normalize U.S. and Cuban relations, President Barack Obama may become the first sitting U.S. president to visit Havana in decades.

Maryland Mother Discovered Pushing Dead Toddler in Park Swing For Hours

Police find a disturbed Maryland woman pushing her dead toddler in a park swing south of Washington D.C.

California Drought Crisis: Vandals Break Alameda Creek Dam, 50 Million Gallons of Water Lost

Vandals destroy dam in California, which causes it to lose 50 million gallons of water that flowed into the San Francisco Bay.

11-Year-Old Genius Graduates From California College With 3 Associate Degrees

An 11-year-old boy made history at the American River College in Sacramento in California on Wednesday by becoming the youngest person to graduate from the school.

Akai Gurley's Family Sues NYPD, New York Housing Authority in 2013 Brooklyn Staircase Shooting Death Incident

More than a year after he was gunned down by police in a darkened in the stairwell of a darkened East New York housing project, the family of unarmed Akai Gurley has filed a wrongful-death suit naming the city and New York Police Department as primary defendants.

Police Say Suspect Charged With Killing Wealthy Family in D.C. Worked With Accomplices

Police believe that the suspect connected to the brutal murders of a wealthy family in Washington, D.C. on May 14 did not act alone.

TPP Trade Deal: Senate Approves President Obama' Trade Negotiating Bill 'Fast Track'

President Barack Obama has moved one stepped closer to the passage of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a massive trade deal currently being negotiated between the U.S. and 11 Latin American and Asian countries.

Two California Men Arrested for Trying to Join ISIS

Two men in Southern California were taken into federal custody on Thursday after allegedly conspiring to travel to the Middle East to join the ranks with the Islamic State, an extreme Muslim terror group.

White Police Officer Shoots Two Unarmed Black Men Suspected of Stealing Beer in Washington

Hundreds of demonstrators held a peaceful rally in Olympia, Washington Thursday evening following the shooting of two unarmed black men by a white cop.

Possible Vice Presidential Candidate Julian Castro Remains Focused on Current Role

Secretary Julian Castro, serving as head of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, could be the country's next vice president, making him the first Latino to take the position in the country's history. However, Sec. Castro does not seem so sure it will happen.

Freddie Gray Police Video: Grand Jury Indicts 6 Baltimore Police Officers Connected to Gray's Death

Baltimore City State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby announced on Thursday that a grand jury has decided to indict six city police officers in the death of Freddie Gray.

2016 Presidential Race: Republican Sen. Marco Rubio Tells Gay Donor That Marriage is Between a Man and a Woman

2016 presidential candidate Marco Rubio reaffirmed his stance against same-sex marriage during a private fundraiser held in Washington on Wednesday.
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