Screaming residents build ropes from sheets and lean out windows A huge fire engulfed a tower block in west London this Wednesday morning leaving more than 50 people injured and an unknown number of people dead.
Doctors were horrified when they discovered what had caused the obstruction. A gross video showing a huge spider crawling out of a woman's ear has gone viral.
Two bad boys meet in Pyongyang. Former NBA champion and fashion guru Dennis Rodman is back in North Korea "to open a door" between the U. S. and the DPRK, at a time when tensions between the two states couldn't be higher.
According to the Portuguese media, CR7 became the surrogate father of twins last week. Ronaldo, just making it on time to the Father's Day celebration on Sunday, welcomed a boy and a girl, Mateo and Eva respectively, reports the Portuguese television channel SIC.
The virus might be down, but it's not out. Zika cases in the past year have been decreasing on the whole across North and South America, but we might not be out of the woods yet as we head into the warm summer months.
The male patient almost appeared to be pregnant. Surgeons in China have removed 30 inches of a man's intestines after a rare medical condition had left him constipated for years.
We still don't know how Bigfoot fits into this. A recent discovery of fossils at Jebel Irhoud, an excavation site in Morocco, are throwing scientists for a loop about the original birthplace and dispersal of our ancestors.
Travelling to the US has become a bit more personal. Travelling to the U. S. has become a bit more personal now that the Trump administration is vetting visa applicants with requests for all of their social media profiles, reports Reuters.
Holy brains are apparently big ticket items on the black market. Authorities in Italy are looking for the thieves who stole relics of St. John "Don" Bosco, founder of the Salesian religious order, from a basilica east of Turin.
It is a tangled nest of business interests and international intrigue. The country of Qatar, a small but pivotal Persian Gulf energy supplier and U. S.
Nobody may like Millwall fans, but this one certainly cared. A devoted fan of London's Millwall F. C. let the perpetrators of Saturday night's devastating attack know where he stood on acts of terrorism in his hometown.
Celebrities and fans took to Twitter to praise Ariana Grande's emotional benefit concert "One Love Manchester" that showcased some of the world's top artists paying tribute to the victims of the attack in England.
The incidents have claimed the lives of seven and injured dozens. Police services and investigators are still piecing together information about the series of violent attacks that have left seven people dead and over 40 injured in London on Saturday night.
Have a warm cup of covfefe, because it's not looking pretty on the Internet. Onlookers everywhere are still reeling from President Doanld Trump's Thursday announcement that he would be withdrawing the United States from the landmark Paris Climate Agreement.
President Trump is looking to reward anti-Castro Republican-based Cuban-Americans for their support President Trump is looking to reward anti-Castro Republican-based Cuban-Americans for their support by reversing many of the Obama administration's Cuba policies that relaxed travel bans and financial opportunities.
What this means for America on the world stage Many around the world are not happy that President Donald Trump is withdrawing the U. S. from the Paris Climate Accords.