Daily Steals is now offering Apple iPhone 6s with 40% discount to original price tr Apple stores. This will be a great opportunity for Apple fans who wanted to purchase iPhone 6s as Daily Steals is offering a good deal for the handset.
HTC One M8 under T-Mobile carrier in the US confirmed not to receive Android 7.0 Nougat. It was way back in May last year when HTC has revealed its roadmap for the Android 7.
From the lawmakers in El Salvador, 69 votes had passed to completely prohibit all kinds of mining that makes the country the first in the world to impose a ban on mining.
Out on the Port of Santos in Brazil, a native species of Cuba, the invasive Anolis porcatus kind has started to take its residence. Their predatory nature can endanger the normal fauna of Brazil.
Tropical Cyclone Caleb was spotted and monitored by NASA which formed near Cocos Island. A tropical cyclone called Caleb was spotted by NASA in the Southern Indian Ocean near Cocos Island on March 23 at 0700 UTC (3:00 EST).
Miroslava Breach an investigative journalist killed in this month. This happened for the third time Miroslava Breach, a reporter for La Jornada and el Norte de Juarez, was shot dead while she was in a car outside her home in the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua.