The breach gave Zealandia its independence, but it likewise pulled and thinned the crust that might cause the area to sink, and dooming most of it to a watery existence.
The WWDC 2017will be held in California. Apple will unveil iOS 11 at WWDC on June 5 Apple has finally announced its WWDC 2017 event and it is all set to kick off in San Jose on the 5th of June.
In the recent years, there are a lot of talks about self-driving cars. Now, it seems as if self-flying passenger drones are next could be the next talk of the town.
Brock Lesnar has notified UFC that his fighting days in the Octagon are now over. While some of the UFC's biggest stars remain in the spotlight, there is one top pay-per-view star who will soon be officially cross off the list for 2017.
The Super-Earth planet is named Gliese 411-B. Super-Earth Gliese 411-B claimed can support the humanity, the hot exoplanet is the 4th nearest to the solar system and has a rocky surface. Scientists are very open to the possibility and expecting that the Earth-like condition might support alien life.
Real Madrid have been terrific entertainment since Coach Zinedine Zidane took over the team. Not only for trophies won, but for the surging, enviable and dramatic will-to-win.
The 1,700-year-old untouched tomb is discovered in Mexico. The tomb belongs to Comala period. The 1,700-year-old untouched tomb bearing the bones of a dozen male adults has been discovered in Mexico.
Researchers are now building an observational roadmap for a future giant telescope that can be used to image some or even most of these newly found worlds.