Half of all states who were able to send $300 weekly unemployment claims started to exhaust. Will the jobless benefits claims be extended?

(Photo : Unsplash)

Millions of Americans depend on their daily needs and expenses from weekly unemployment claims and stimulus checks. No wonder that the recent poll shows that more than half of the Americans want to have a second round of stimulus package. 

Pres. Donald Trump released an executive order last month that orders the extension of weekly unemployment benefits. He signed and issued the order after Congress failed to act on the stimulus package. However, there is progress now on the second round of stimulus package as the fiscal year begins.

The first approved unemployment claims under the CARES Act which was approved in March allowed qualified unemployed individuals to receive $600 weekly federal unemployment claims. This is separate from the state's jobless benefits.

After it expired in July, Pres. Trump signed and issued an executive order that expanded the weekly unemployment claims. In his executive order, he mandated the Federal Emergency Management Agency to use its unspent budget as weekly unemployment claims. 

States who applied in Pres. Trump's program can avail of the $300 weekly unemployment benefits. On top of that, the state has an option to add $100 dollars. However, not all states added the $100 because of the states' economic fallout. 

After it expired, Pres. Trump ordered again that it will be extended for another three weeks. This means that unemployed individuals in the states who previously availed the program have received a total amount of $1,800 unemployment claims

Now, half of all the states who availed the weekly unemployment claims started to exhaust their funds. However, there is still a big possibility that this will be extended after Pres. Trump said that he wants more coronavirus relief aids to be sent out to millions of Americans. 

It can also be remembered that Republican lawmakers clarified to the Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell if there is a possibility that a fund can be diverted to a stimulus aid. Powell did not directly confirm but it seems that it is possible because of Pres. Trump used his executive power to diver the unspent budget from FEMA. 

Moreover, the proposed stimulus package from the bipartisan group and Congress includes a direct stimulus package, PPP Loans, weekly unemployment benefits, and more. Both Republicans and Democrats have disagreements but they have a common ground, that is to give relief aids. 

The tensions and pressures also among the lawmakers are making it possible for a new stimulus package that includes weekly unemployment benefits be passed before the election. They are afraid, most especially members of the Democrats, that voters will penalize them for not acting on the stimulus package. 

Congress wants to vote on any form of stimulus like weekly unemployment claims before they will leave Washington in a week from now to focus on their campaigns. Meanwhile, Pres Trump remained committed that he will deliver what millions of Americans need amid the global pandemic. 

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