Watch out Justin Bieber and Chris Brown, there's a new bad boy in town and he goes by the name of Shia LaBeouf.

Last week, the 28-year-old actor got himself into tons of trouble while hanging out in New York City. It all began when La Beouf attended a performance of "Cabaret." And what started out as a lovely evening of theatre ended in a night of chaos and handcuffs for the "Transformers" actor. LaBeouf reportedly disrupted the performance by smoking cigarettes inside of the theater and interrupting the actors and audience members during the show.

NBC News reported that after being escorted out of the theatre by police, LaBeouf screamed, "I'll end your life. Do you know who I am?"

But wait, there's more.

Later on in the week, LaBeouf was also caught chasing down a homeless person and trying to start a fight outside of an NYC nightclub.

Now, fast-forward to this week, LaBeouf has opted to check himself into rehab, RadarOnline reported.

LaBeouf reportedly checked into a rehab in Los Angeles on Monday night and was spotted carrying an "Alcoholics Anonymous" book that is considered essential reading for anyone trying to get and remain sober.

Does this mean that this is the last we'll be hearing of LaBeouf's outlandish antics?


But it may be a long road ahead for LaBeouf who has admitted to struggling with his addiction to alcohol in the past.

"I don't ever remember getting arrested sober. I was always arrested drunk," LaBeouf said to Details magazine years ago. "It's when I'm drinking that I don't have the wherewithal to be able to realize the position of my life. There's too much at stake for me to throw it away. ... And I don't want to throw away what I've worked so hard for 12 years to achieve, based on an argument that takes place in 20 minutes."

Hopefully LaBeouf can get it together soon as reports are now claiming that his acting career is in serious jeopardy given his latest antics.

Can Shia LaBeouf sober up and get it together in time to reclaim his career? Share your comments below.