Beloved franchise "Indiana Jones" is returning after nine years, already raising concerns among fans regarding the viability of the latest installment. Here are the biggest questions everyone is asking about "Indiana Jones 5."
Recently, Mark Wahlberg, star of the upcoming "Transformers: Age of Extinction" and new face of the franchise, next to Optimus Prime of course, spoke with the Los Angeles Times' Hero Complex to discuss how he prepared to work opposite a computer-generated character.
Mark Wahlberg is confident that the newest Transformers film, "Transformers 4: Age of Extinction" will knock it out of the ballpark. The Wrap quotes the new Transformers lead as saying, "It is bigger and better than the other three combined," Wahlberg said, going on to predict that the film would be the biggest hit of 2014," during Monday's CinemaCon 2014.
Former Harry Potter actor Rupert Grint might be playing a drug dealer in London, but his former co-star, Shia LaBeouf, is reportedly the one who knows a thing or two about drugs.
Jim Carrey is the newest victim of Internet death hoax that was allegedly reported on January 14. The fake death of the comedian spread easily online as it even had a Facebook fan page that was named R.I.P. Jim Carrey.
Feuds are not new to Hollywood, but sometimes they come completely out of left-field. Here is our list of Top 10 Unlikely Celebrity Feuds. Believe it or not, they all happened: