After the mysterious benefactor made an open call for assassins to kill all of the supernatural citizens in Beacon Hills, Scott McCall and his friends on MTV's "Teen Wolf" have been busy trying to stay alive. In the past few weeks a mute axe murderer, a set of killer orphans and a scientist have all tried to take out the werewolves and co., but the teens always manage to find a way to survive.

This week, McCall decided to directly provoke the benefactor to discover who he/she is and how to stop them.

Braeden, who is crashing in Derek Hale's loft while she recovers from the most recent attack from a benefactor hired gun, asks Derek about his failing powers as a werewolf. She agrees to help him learn how to stay alive as a human among supernatural beings, saying "I'm going to teach you how to bend [the rules.]"

In order to lure out the benefactor, Scott, along with romantic interest Kira, best friend Stiles and new werewolf Liam, decides to fake his own death. Kira, a kitsune with the power to conduct electricity through her body, electrocutes him until his heart is barely beating. He is rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead.

Meanwhile, Stiles and Chris Argent attempt to contact the benefactor through a coded instant messaging system. They pretend to be killers who successfully killed McCall but were unable to send visual confirmation that the deed was done. They then told the benefactor to view the body if he or she wanted proof.

Scott's mother Melissa McCall, a nurse at the Beacon Hills hospital, is notified that her son is dead. She very convincingly breaks down, only to turn a corner and meet up with the others completely unaffected; the emotional drama had been part of the act.

However, they have precious minutes; Kira's mother warns that Scott can only be under for less than 40 minutes or it isn't likely they can wake him up again.

Meanwhile, werecoyote Malia goes digging in the Hales' vault after realizing that Peter Hale, Derek's uncle, is her biological father. She discovers a file containing her adoption papers and begins reading them when Peter shows up. He said he was looking at the files to find Malia's birth mother, and said he would help her if she wanted. Although her friends have warned her that Peter cannot be trusted, Malia agrees to the partnership.

Back at the hospital, Kate Argent appears with her eerie Berserker sidekicks to collect Scott's body in order to save herself from the benefactor's dead pool list. Her brother Chris confronts her and assures her they have a better plan to stop the benefactor, so Kate retreats. Unfortunately, Scott's time nearly runs out and there is no sign of the evil forces, so Kira revives him in the final seconds.

While the plan didn't seem to work, Scott assures Kira at the conclusion of the episode that they did discover more about the benefactor than they knew before. He believes the benefactor may be a banshee, and they now have more information on how to draw him or her out.

"Teen Wolf" airs Mondays at 10/9c on MTV.