Farrah Abraham, a "Teen Mom" star turned sex tape actress, is now adding stripper to her list of jobs.

The 23-year-old controversial mother revealed to E! News that she will be stripping at Palazio Gentleman Club in Austin, Texas, as part of her research for upcoming projects with which she is involved.

"I'm doing research," Abraham said to E! News. "A friend of mine works there, and I'm researching. I've been trying out all the roles that make up a gentleman's club, including cocktailing and dancing. There's management, and there's cooking too. It's job shadowing that I hope pays off."

Though Abraham was unable to specify the projects the she is doing this research for, she did compare her research to what Jennifer Aniston did when preparing for her role as a stripper in the film, "We Are the Millers."

"In the same way Jennifer Aniston researched her role as a stripper, that's what I'm doing," she said. "It's how I get the information to write my books and do my movies. Unfortunately, I'm not free to talk about what those future projects may be. But I'm interested in hearing all the women's stories. And while I'm doing it, I'm getting paid. I'm getting paid to play a role and get informed."

RadarOnline reported Abraham will begin performing at the Gentlemen's Club on Aug. 22 as a "celebrity house feature." She will be paid $544,000 for stripping at Palazio Gentlemen's Club, according to the website.

Abraham isn't the only person who is excited about her new job. The Palazio manager, BeBe Montgomery, also expressed his excitement to RadarOnline about Farrah working at his club.

"It benefits everybody. It's really fun," Montogomery said. "I hired Farrah as a waitress about a month ago, and then we talked about it. She decided to switch to dancing. And then we talked again and came to an agreement for six figures. We're really happy and excited."

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