In a candid interview with ABC News, co-host of fashion TV show "Fashion Police" Giuliana Rancic opened up about her relationship with the late comedienne Joan Rivers and the future of their E! TV show.

Rancic, 40, spoke with ABC News about her new line of wines; however, the discussion soon turned into one about the future of "Fashion Police" and her feelings after more than two weeks since Joan Rivers' passing.

"It was the shock of a lifetime, it really was," she said. "I had just seen Joan 48 hours before her procedure. We were taping the Emmy 'Fashion Police' show and she was honestly better than ever and she even looked better than ever at 81."

She fondly remembers the late Rivers, who co-hosted E!'s "Fashion Police" with her since 2010.

"I still think she's going to walk through the door and yell, 'Giuliana, get back to work.' And it's hard to wrap my mind around never seeing her again. And I've experienced losing loved ones in my life and for some reason, this one is very different. You hear people say, 'He or she was larger than life.' Joan really was larger than life. I think that's a reason I can't imagine her gone," Rancic added.

However, the popular show's future is at risk since Rivers' passing. River's daughter, Melissa, is an executive producer for the show and part of the decision on what to do will lay with her but Rancic said she is not thinking about that now.

"They are looking at different scenarios, whether it moves forward or it doesn't," Rancic said candidly. "Melissa ... a lot of that will be up to her and how she's feeling and how she decides what she wants to do, along with the execs here at E! There is no word now ... they are seeing what 'Fashion Police' looks like without Joan."

In the meantime, to commemorate Rivers, E! is putting on a "Fashion Police" on Friday that runs from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m, according to The marathon will culminate with a 90-minute special, "Fashion Police: Celebrating Joan," which will include Melissa Rivers. The special will air at 8 p.m. on E!