Kim Kardashian had a scary experience on her way to the Balmain fashion show in Paris.

The reality star and husband Kanye West have been making the rounds at Paris Fashion Week. On Thursday, when the two exited their car, there was a throng surrounding the two. Cameras went off and the two tried to make their way into the show, but a man tried to tackle Kardashian.

She managed to remain upright, but it was a close call.

The man responsible for the "prank" is Vitalii Sediuk, who has pulled several other stunts on the red carpet.

TMZ has a video of the footage, where Kardashian is slammed into the door of the car she was in. Bodyguards surround her and help her to remain standing. Kris Jenner, who was also with the couple, is heard saying, "Stop it."

Sediuk previously said he had quit pranking because he wanted to move to London and try his luck at a modeling career.

"I would like to thank Hollywood for having me this two years and a half," he said, when he announced his retirement. "It was an experience that taught me a lot in life. Most importantly, I would like to say sorry for celebrities that had to deal with my stunts and thank them for being tolerant to me all this time."

But with his comeback, it doesn't seem he was very honest in his apology.

Some of his previous pranks include looking under America Ferrera's dress, hitting Brad Pitt and hugging Bradley Cooper inappropriately. Some celebrities have had stronger reactions than others. While Cooper laughed, Brad Pitt tried to fight back.

Ferrera was very upset with the situation, and she called it "shocking and violating."

"I just wish we wouldn't give him the attention he was seeking," she said.