Disney's "Frozen" toys are the hottest gifts of the year, Fortune reported.

A year after its release, people are emptying shelves with the toy trying to stock up on what is in the highest demand this Christmas season.

The hit movie made $1.3 million in the box office after its release making it Disney's largest hit since "The Lion King" in 1994.

"It has been a great run and fun to watch," said Laurie Schacht, president of toy and licensing publisher Adventure Publishing.

"I think it has exceeded all expectations. The shelves are basically empty of "Frozen" products, but [retailers] have also been restocking."

Other hottest toys from the past include the Tickle Me Elmo, Furby and the Cabbage Patch Kids.

"Frozen" items have made about $1 billion this year. This boost is great news for toy manufacturers which have seen a decline in the famous "Barbie" sells.

Retailers are also gaining more sells with the "Frozen" toys often going out of stock quickly in stores and online. The Elsa Snow Glow doll is on eBay at double the price that retailers sell it for because of its high demand.

"Whenever we bring Elsa Snow Glow back online, she sells out quickly," said Wal-Mart representative Jaeme Laczkowski.

"Stores have been limiting the Snow Glow sales to two per customer," Schacht said.

"Frozen" toys are also the most searched for item in stores such as Wal-Mart.

Schacht said "Frozen" toys will be in demand for the next few years unlike other popular toy fads that go just as quickly as they come. The Disney hit film also has a sold out ice show and rumors of a sequel have been circulated.

Forbes reported that "Frozen" toys, specifically the dolls duplicating the characters in the film, are the number one item parents want to buy for little girls, beating the iconic Barbie's 11-year run in history as the most popular toy.