Latin Post

No End to López Obrador’s Feud With the Media: The Mexican President Jabs at Reports About Crematoriums

Member of the Committee to Protect Journalists Jan Albert Hootsen said that the federal government had a “complex” relationship with the media.

Fotos Por Mexico Raises 6.7 Million Pesos for Groups Suffering From COVID-19

Over 200 local artists launched a fundraising campaign to help non-profit institutions support COVID-19 patients through selling their artworks.

New-Collar Skills Now Taught Online for Free to Hire Digital-Driven Workers Thanks to IBM’s P-Tech

Technology companies are now looking to employ people in their offices for “new-collar jobs”, or workloads that do not require a college degree.

United States Severs Ties With the World Health Organization for “Misleading” Information About the Coronavirus

Last week, U.S. President Donald Trump said the country will terminate any affiliation with the World Health Organization after accusing the U.N. agency of bias to China, the source of the coronavirus.

Mexican Caribbean Regarded as a Safe Travel Destination by the WTTC

Cancún and the Mexican Caribbean begin preparations for reopening their travel and tourism after losing almost $1 billion in profits during the pandemic. The good news is, the World Travel and Tourism Council recognized the destination as worthy of the global safety and hygiene stamp.

CNN Reporter Arrested on Air While Reporting Protests in Minneapolis

Federal enforcement recently arrested CNN correspondent Omar Jimenez and his film crew while they were reporting the protests in Minneapolis after the death of George Floyd, an African American man who died as a result of police brutality.

Fans Allowed at Outdoor Sports Games Starting May 31 After Texan Governor Issues Revised Order

Beginning Friday, Texas will allow its counties to let spectators in outdoor sporting events at the reduced capacity of 25%. This excludes Deaf Smith, El Paso, Moore, Potter, and Randall.

Campaigns Trying to Regain Deficit From Recent Weeks, Says Communications Director Murtaugh

As the months are looming over Election Day, Candidates are is seeing an erosion of previously rock-solid support from groups that secured his victory back in 2016.

Latino Graduates Uncertain of Pandemic’s Impact on Their Future

Amid the coronavirus pandemic, unprecedented suspensions to educational processes have caught Latino students completely by surprise. Crucial internships and vital studies were set back, which left a heavy impact especially on the graduating classes.

Florida’s Theme Parks Like Disney World Set on Reopening

This week companies like Sea World Entertainment, Universal’s Orlando Resort, and Lego Land Florida have presented their proposals for reopening as early as in the next two weeks. Disneyworld

Latin Americans Come Together to Bring Down Quarantine Measures as the Region Becomes the New Epicenter for Coronavirus

Unease and tension are building in the region, and authorities are unable to stop it. People are protesting against lockdown measures in defiance of government cuts to expenditure and employment.

Twitter Criticized by U.S. President Trump for Labeling His Social Media Posts as “Misleading”

Following a request by an affected party over the allegations against Joe Scarborough of murder in a series of tweets posted by the U.S. president, Twitter has introduced a new system that fact-checks posts.

White House Steps in to Justify Trump’s Allegations About the “Cold Case” of Psycho Joe Scarborough

Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany defended President Donald Trump amid his allegations against Joe Scarborough. Earlier this month, the president posted a series of tweets that accused the former congressman of murdering his aide.

Joining Other Airlines Is Latam, the Largest Carrier in Latin America, in Bankruptcy Amid Pandemic

LATAM Airlines group attributed the company’s decision to file for bankruptcy to mitigation measures against the COVID-19 pandemic, which included travel restrictions that caused a collapse in global demand.

Presidential Campaigns Try to Win Over the Latino Vote for the 2020 Elections

Presidential campaigns are paying closer attention to the growing power of the Latino voters, particularly the Latinas.

Mexico Seeing More Deaths Than in the Last Four Years: Study Shows Official Numbers May Be Undercounting

A report published by a local magazine estimated that 37% more death certificates were issued in April 2020 than the average of that month in the past four years. As coronavirus cases continue to rise in Mexico, the federal government is already making plans on reopening the economy.

Lana Del Rey Calls out Media for Sensationalism: “Making It About Race Says More About You Than It Does About Me”

Glamorous singer-songwriter Lana Del Rey is fed up with critics. Last week, she voiced her concern about how the media industry criticized her for “glamorizing abuse”. Her response to clarify her original post incited more disapprovals.

Brazil Now No. 2 in World's COVID-19 Cases Surpassing Russia

The World Health Organization declares South America as the "new epicenter" of the novel coronavirus.

Schools Struggle to Reopen at Limited Capacity While Parents Protest Against It

All across the United States, school officials and staff are coming up with ways to resume class instruction while practicing social distancing.

Basketball Legend Patrick Ewing Positive for Coronavirus

Hall of fame basketball legend and current head coach at his alma mater Georgetown University, Patrick Ewing is hospitalized after testing positive for the coronavirus this Friday.

Corpse at Rio Left for Over 30 Hours as Coronavirus Overtakes Brazil

The body of a 62-year-old resident laid on the sidewalk in the Rio slums 30 hours after he died of breathing complications.