A new online film series counters the hateful anti-immigration rhetoric being spewed by Republican presidential candidates by unveiling the ugly truth about what happens when undocumented workers are deported from the U.S.

The YouTube video, which is titled "11 Million Stories: The Truth of Mass Deportation," starts off by showing clips of GOP candidates Donald Trump and Rick Santorum calling for the deportation of all undocumented immigrants.

The video also notes that deporting the 11.3 million immigrants currently living in the U.S. illegally would cost $600 billion, break up families and hurt American businesses.

Immigrants who suffered from deportation are also shown in the video like Michelle Yoon, a student at UCLA who lived in the U.S. for 14 years. Hina Naveed, a nurse who lived in the U.S. for more than a decade, says that she watched one of her patients be taken away by authorities. Shortly thereafter, she was also deported.

Sophie Cruz tells the story of how her family would be ripped apart while Heriberto Gonzalez talks about the devastation of the agriculture industry.

In this six-part series, undocumented immigrants are profiled in each episode, which tackles the devastating effects that mass deportation has on various sectors of society.

The video is powered by FWD.us, which is launching an initiative called Impact Immigration 2016 that stresses the need for immigration reform while exposing destructive rhetoric about  mass deportation in the 2016 elections. The ultimate goal of the yearlong effort is to pass immigration reform by January 2017.

"Immigration reform remains a critical issue for our nation: it would boost the U.S. economy, keep families together, and it is a key issue among American voters," reads its website. "Current polling indicates that Americans overwhelmingly reject the absurd and awful idea of mass deportation, and instead favor fixing our broken immigration system."

Watch the video below.