In a new trailer released for the fifth "Ice Age" franchise film, which is titled "Collision Course," the universe is about to get a little shake up thanks to Scrat.

According to Deadline, the many themes that have been present on the films since their inception have found comical ways of explaining things that have a historical significance.

In this next feature film, Scrat is on his usual course for that elusive acorn, and when he finally gets his hands on it, he looks for a place to store it. Suffice it to say he is about to discover a truth that has long mired the wonders of mankind.

In his efforts to find a storage place for the acorn, he crashes it into an icy object sticking out of the ground in what appeared to be an underground tunnel of some sort. But when he did that, the search for intelligent life on other planets got solved. At least intelligent life that crash landed on Earth and was frozen in the snow for an undisclosed period of years.

In the trailer, it appears as though Scrat unwittingly activated the spaceship, and the acorn was the symbolic key. It led him into outer space where he ping ponged back and forth between the planets of our solar system, kind of like a pinball arcade game. His various collisions into the planets caused the sun to shine bright and the planets started rotating around it. Then he crashed into a meteor and caused it to break apart.

The meteor then starts to go in all different directions, and the scene quickly jumps back to Earth where Sid, Manny and Diego see the pieces of the meteor entering the atmosphere and burning up. They mistake it for a shooting star and they all start to make wishes.

The trailer is a comical romp and tease for the next film, which is set to debut in theaters on July 22, 2016.

Watch the trailer below.