Some fast-food eateries are known for their so-called secret menus. West Coast Burger chain In-N-Out may indeed have the most well-known secret menu. However, did you know that everyone's favorite Mexican eatery Chipotle Taco Bell has a secretive list of scrumptious foods as well!? We know, we know, the Latin Post was just as surprised as you to find this out.

So what can you order from this menu? It turns out there are just three items available, but like everything Taco Bell crafts in its stainless-steel wonder emporium aka the kitchen, they look good. Yahoo!'s Associate Food Editor (yes, that's a real position) Rachel Tepper reviewed each menu item and came away with a so-so impression. She also kindly broke down the ingredients that go into each of these monstrosities.

First up is "The Superman Burrito." Bald people cannot order this item, however. The ingredients inside the 'Superman' include: extra potatoes; sour cream; guac; tortila strips; more sour cream; a double dose of ground beefy goodness and finally; nacho cheese. You'd think that the guacamole would be left out, though, judging from Superman/Clark Kent's aversion to green.

Not to discriminate, Taco Bell also honored another superhero with a burrito namesake of their very own: "The Incredible Hulk." And to that we say, "Smashing!" Now what doesn't the "Hulk" bring to the table? Definitely a lot of calories courtesy of its five-layer burrito goodness! However, unlike the regular five-layer burrito the nacho cheese is substituted with guac.

Lastly, a wise man or woman must've created "The Quesarito." This secret item aims to satisfy burrito and quesadilla fans everywhere. It packs in lots of cilantro-spiced rice, ground-up beef, some nacho cheese along with sour cream. The customary, floury burrito tortilla is also replaced with a crunchier quesadilla inspired variant.

Now we know why these items are top-secret. Just thinking about all this Mexican-American goodness is apt-enough to make everyone in the world full three times over.

Checkout some BuzzFeeders eating "The Superman" and other items not listed on this post below:

So will you dare try to devour a Taco Bell secret menu item? Be sure to have a lot of napkins at your disposal if you do so. Also, let us know in the comments section below what your favorite item is and why.