"Catfight," a new film coming to the market soon, features "Clueless" actress Alicia Silverstone, Anne Heche and Sandra Oh in a dark, lesbian-centric comedy.

According to Variety, the film is going to have a gritty theme that pits Heche and Oh against each other, following a decades-long feud that started after college.

When they were in school together, the two were very close. They were even romantic at times, but with more of a spiritual than physical connection.

Oh's character then moves on and marries a man. She has made the transition into suburbia and has become a housewife and mother. To top that off, she and her husband have quite an extensive bank account as well.

Heche, staying true to her college roots, finds herself struggling in the area of finances. As an artist, she is deeply embroiled in the plight of left-leaning politics.

The story unfolds around the topic of the day, as yet another president seeks to involve the country in yet another war in the Middle East.

When the two women run into each other at a high-end birthday party, their rival lifestyles clash. Heche has not changed much since college, whereas Oh has ushered in a completely different life than what she envisioned.

Their politics also clash, and the story unravels with dark comedy that fans are sure to love. Silverstone is the main love interest for Heche, landing her in the middle of the conflict as well.

Onur Tukel directed the film and had a lot of praise for his lead actresses.

"I expected the lead performances to be brilliant, but what they did blew my mind," Tukel told Variety. "The fight scenes are also insanely intense. We've made a very funny comedy here, but it's also tragically dark."