In 2013, it was announced that the Fast & Furious movie franchise would return with its seventh installment and that its lead characters Vin Diesel and Paul Walker would be back. According to reports, it was scheduled for release by summer 2015. However, due to the sudden demise of Paul Walker in a car accident last November, there had to be changes made to the film's original plan. According to director James Wan and writer Chris Morgan, they might just find a way to retire Walker in the film rather than killing him in order to satisfy the fans. In order to do this, the creators might write an additional plot to allow the story to continue without Walker. They also mentioned that Walker had only filmed a few of his parts as Brian O' Conner.

According to Vin Diesel, Fast & Furious 7 introduces a new story that may form part of a trilogy. This meant that there could possibly be as many as two more Fast & Furious movies hitting theaters in the future. This was further confirmed in September when it was revealed that the filming of Fast & Furious 8 is already being planned.

Months after the death of Walker, the film has finally resumed its shooting. Tyrese Gibson, one of the lead stars in the movie, confirmed as much when he posted in his Instagram account a photo of beautiful scenery in Dubai with a caption saying "I'm back." He said that they started shooting the film with a prayer in mind in commemoration of Paul Walker. In March, the official filming for Fast & Furious 7 continued and Gibson asked the fans to continue spreading love by posting a photo of Walker online, which reached over 7 million likes in less than 24 hours. Despite the death of Walker, a lot of fans are still looking forward to a quality movie next year. The movie has an official release date of April 10, 2015.