The success of HBO's True Detective after the initial season has prompted its producers to create a sequel. The first season has eight episodes directed by Cary Fukunaga and written by Nic Pizzolatto. Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson, the lead characters of the series, should be commended for pulling off performances that captured the interest of the TV audience. Without them, the show would not have been a success. The cast of the first season included Matthew McConaughey, Woody Harrelson, Michael Potts, Michelle Monaghan and Tory Kittles.

Season 2 of True Detective, however, will not have Harrelson and McConaughey. The gossip vine reported that HBO is tapping Brad Pitt to be one of the lead characters, where Pitt's acceptance to do the role would rely on his previous engagements. However, there have been conflicting reports since then about whether HBO wanted Brad Pitt and he hasn't publicly accepted the role. He has previously worked with HBO when he co-produced the movie The Normal Heart last year with Ryan Murphy. He has also played a detective role in Se7en.

The film's next season will have a new storyline for every episode with new characters and setting. There are also rumors that a male and a female will play the lead detectives in Season 2. Speculations as to who will replace Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson are still coming in with users submitting their fan favorites via Reddit. Here are their suggested pairings:

  • Nicolas Cage along with Edward Norton
  • Bryan Cranston along with Christian Bale
  • Michael Fassbender with anyone
  • Will Smith along with Edward Norton
  • Sandra Bullock along with Jessica Chastain
  • Amy Adams along with Anthony Hopkins
  • Javier Bardem along with Samuel L. Jackson
  • Josh Brolin along with Christopher Waltz
  • Jennifer Lawrence along with Selma Hayek

HBO has not made any official statement on the release date of True Detective Season 2, but rumors suggest there is a possibility that it will be released in mid-January 2015.