In a fascinating turn of events, after outstanding performance at the box office, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" has overcome "Avatar" as the highest grossing movie of all time in America.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the new "Star Wars" film not only broke the all-time record for domestic ticket sales, but it did so in a relatively short amount of time. This means that the movie will likely continue to bring in sales, pushing the record higher and giving reason to believe that the new figure will not be broken for many generations to come.

On Wednesday, "The Force Awakens" will officially pull in a top gross of $760.5 million, beating "Avatar" by a few thousand to edge past it on the record list. Not only did the film do something that most industry professionals thought to be impossible, but it did it in only 20 days since release in the states.

In contrast, Box Office Mojo reports that "Avatar" took in a domestic haul of $760.5 million in 238 days of release, a significantly longer time.

For those who are doing the calculations in their heads, there is good reason to believe that "Star Wars" might be the first film in the history of box office records to reach $1 billion in the U.S. alone. The achievement is so monumental that many believe no other film that will accomplish the same feat for years, or even decades. Even if a popular film did arise to take on the record set by "Star Wars," such a film would likely have to contend with the effects of inflation.

"The Force Awakens" has also grossed $799 million outside of the U.S., bringing its worldwide haul to $1.557 billion, just over a billion shy of the global take of "Avatar."