Having a drinking spree leads to a killer hang over which is often caused by drinking too much alcohol, thus causing the blood sugar to fall and make you feel dizzy, weak and unwell. Hangovers do not have an exact cure as they vary per individual, but here's a list of the best Latino drinks and dishes that can help relieve major hang overs.

7-Up or Sprite

As per Daily Mail, lemon and lime drinks can work wonders in nursing a hangover. It was stated that a group of Chinese scientists examined several beverages that can alleviate hangovers, as a result, lemon and lime drinks displayed positive results.

Sprite, which is a lime flavored soda, was one of the drinks that was tested. The lime drink was able to increase the aldehyde dehydrogenase process, which speeds up the process in breaking down the alcohol, reducing the hangover effects.


Though most people would opt for a Bloody Mary or a tomato juice, Latinos would usually prefer Michelada. This Latin infusion may sound weird with a splash of soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce and a hint of Tabasco mixed with lime juice. But, it can work wonders in soothing a bad case of hangover. It gives the same soothing effects as that of a Bloody Mary but it comes with a light refreshing twist of a Mexican flavor as per the Mitu website.