After various events taking place during the Avengers storyline, Phil Coulson comes back to SHIELD, the worldwide law enforcement organization where he organizes a small and highly trained group of agents set to deal with classified cases. They aim to investigate strange, new and unknown cases around the globe in order to protect the ordinary from the not so ordinary. His team consists of Agents Grant Ward, Melinda May, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons and the newly recruited computer hacker Skye.

While in Peru, Coulson comes across a person from his past. When the scientist Dr. Franklin Hall was kidnapped, the team had to save him and Skye was their only way. They pushed themselves to the limits because their plans were turned upside down. After series of cases and twists, the team got a notorious enemy in the form of The Clairvoyant. Then they found no one they could trust since they were trapped by a traitor. In the end, when hope seemed bleak, Agent Maria Hill returns and teams up with SHIELD. Fans eagerly await the season 1 finale which airs this May 13.

The executives that are in charge of creating the show have that they are optimistic about having a second season. Co-runner of the show Maurissa Tancharoen said they plan to continue the show, even if it gets axed by ABC. They are planning to do a Kickstarter project, possibly for a special movie. Just recently, there was news about a proposed "Agent Carter" series. Confirmation is expected in the coming weeks on whether Marvel and ABC will team up for "Agents of SHIELD" in Season 2 or start with the new series "Agent Carter." One of the biggest questions asked by fans is who will be The Clairvoyant, and who or what is the blue creature Coulson discovered in Tahiti.