The Bella Twins are returning on the reality show “Total Divas” on E. The twins, Brie and Nikki, provided some specifics on what their partners, Daniel Bryan and John Cena, think about the show.

In an interview with Latina, Brie said that her husband, Bryan, is a good sport. He enjoys “Total Divas” but also loves to maintain his privacy. She shared that when they began doing the show, Bryan asked her whether they were entertaining enough because he felt they were boring somehow.

“I feel like he has been one of the biggest breakout stars of the show. He’s been enjoying the ride,” Brie told the online magazine.

In the same interview, Nikki also told Latina that partner John Cena has been struggling with the show. Cena is not very comfortable sharing his whole life to the public because he is a very private person. However, he does it for Nikki because he loves her so much. Nikki added that she respects Cena's privacy and puts his relationship first.

In the new season of "Total Divas," Nikki found herself in the middle of a love triangle after ex-boyfriend Dolph Ziggler apparently tried to kiss her, writes E Online.

The twins told Latina that they love doing the show considering how they spent their whole lives together. They enjoyed the different activities that they did in the series like going to concerts and tourist destinations, drinking and eating pizza. Many sisters watching the show may discover that the Bella Twins are very much like them. They added that “Total Divas” changed their lives significantly because it exposed them to a new audience.

For young Latinas who aim to enter professional wrestling and become successful, Brie advised that they should have no fear and live without regrets. Nikki said that people should never give up and keep going for their dream. The two have NXT, a wrestling developmental program for Latina girls who want to replace them someday. They invited interested girls to audition.

“You will have to fight us for the spot, but the door is open,” Brie said jokingly before the interview closed.

E Online also reported that the Bella Twins were recently starstruck with Kim Kardashian’s glam squad. They also shared their thoughts on Jennifer Lopez, Lady Gaga and Leonardo DiCaprio at the 2016 Golden Globe Awards.

“Total Divas” Season 5 started airing in January 2016. More updates and details on the Bella Twins and their partners are expected soon.