New York executive Sean Ludwick, who was previously accused of vehicular homicide and charged with DUI, was arrested in Puerto Rico while attempting to flee to South America amid his ongoing case, the Daily Mail reports. The publication further reveals that the real estate executive was accused of leaving his friend on the road, who died instantly when Ludwick crashed his vehicle while drunk driving last year.

The incident, which happened in August 2014, had 40-year-old Ludwick on bail after posting a $1 million bond according to the news agency. And while waiting for the trial to kick off, 27East reported that Ludwick tried to purchase a boat to transport him out of Puerto Rico on Friday.

Authorities confirmed that Ludwick was then arrested by the Southampton Town Police at his home on Brick Kiln Road in Bridgehampton last Tuesday, Bob Clifford, a spokesman for the Suffolk County District Attorney's Office revealed as quoted by the publication.

Although the news agency said that details on who forewarned the court about Ludwick's actions was not revealed, a bench warrant, however, was issued by State Supreme Court Justice Fernando Camacho last week before Ludwick's attempt to flee, Clifford said as reported by the news outlet.

Ludwick is now detained without bail in Long Island, per the Daily Mail. The publication reports that the incident, which occurred last year was, a Class D felony according to court documents obtained by the news agency.

Ludwick, who was allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol, double than the legal limit, crashed his Porsche in a drive home to the Hamptons with his pal, the late Paul Hansen. The two were reportedly going to Hansen's home since their sons are having a sleepover and Ludwick was going to pick up his son.

After the crash, the news agency reported that Ludwick removed Hansen's body from the car and placed it on the streets. He also threw away Hansen's personal belongings into the woods and fled the scene with his already damaged vehicle.

Hours after around 2 a.m., Hansen's body was found. Meanwhile, Ludwick's initial arrest showed that he had "strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from his breath, his speech was slurred and slow, his eyes were bloodshot, glass and hooded or partially closed," a police report said as obtained by the news outlet.

The report added, "During the interview and investigation, he stood with a wide stance and continuously swayed from front to back and he stumbled when he tried to walk."