The final episode of the hit ABC TV series "Scandal" Season 3 happened Thursday night, and it was soaring in emotions as well as in ratings. In the finale, President Grant won the reelections but not his son. Jerry died of a deadly bacterial meningitis dose from an agent of Rowan Pope, who happens to be the future director of B6-13 Black-Ops, the secret government agency that is not accountable to anyone.

During the final moments, Maya was captured because Harrison knew that she was going to get money. Rowan was reinstated as the head of the organization and Harrison realizes that it was he who killed Adnan and Jerry. It was also shown that Rowan took Maya in to the cell, smirking at each other as if they were behind this together.

If you are ready to move on from the season 3 finale, it's only natural to want to know some details about the upcoming season. These are still predictions, but the one responsible for them is Jimmy Kimmel and his idea was interesting because he believes that the plane boarded by Jake and Olivia crashes, leaving the two trapped on a deserted island. Another prediction is that Fitz will leave the country under Mellie's leadership. Quinn will take revenge to Huck's family by slaying them and Harrison gets killed. Cy will quit his job at the White House to take care of his daughter.

These are all theories since ABC has not yet officially announced the hit series' renewal. However, the huge success of the show, not to mention the many cliffhangers in the finale, are all indications of a Season 4. The formal announcement will be in May and the date of release would most likely be in 2015. May is coming in a couple of weeks so we can stay tuned for ABC's update.