The first three seasons of the thriller TV series Sherlock have raked in massive TV ratings, predominantly in the U.K. Sadly enough for the avid fans, it might take some time before they'll be able to see the primetime detective duo back on TV again. The main creators of the show, Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat, have been very effective in portraying their characters and in making the show more exciting. Although they have already confirmed that they are coming back for the fourth season of Sherlock, there has been no official confirmation of release date.

According to the creators of the show, it might take some time before Sherlock hits the TV screens again. This is due to the nature of how the show is being shot. It takes at least 6 months for an entire season to be filmed. To make things even worse, the lead characters also have other commitments. Six months of being devoted to the filming of the show is definitely a huge undertaking.

Though the return of Sherlock on TV might take some more time, the good news is that the creators of the show are planning to set a special episode. Before they will even release the first episode of the fourth season, they will create one special episode just to appease the fans. However, everything is still in its planning stage right now, and given the schedule of the main characters it might even be impossible to gather them all just for this special episode. Martin Freeman, one of the brains behind Sherlock, has said he will try to coordinate the details with Mark Gatiss to continue with the filming of a special episode.

In the last episode of Season 3, more questions were left unanswered and fans are looking forward to putting an end to those mysteries. For now, Sherlock fans should just wait and see what is in store for them.